How To Find Out The Balance Of Debt On A Loan

How To Find Out The Balance Of Debt On A Loan
How To Find Out The Balance Of Debt On A Loan

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Many Russian citizens prefer to take money on credit for various needs, which can be taken directly from the bank itself or by credit card. In order to find out the balance of the loan, you should call the bank's support service, use the online service or make a personal visit to the bank.

How to find out the balance of debt on a loan
How to find out the balance of debt on a loan

It is necessary

  • - credit card;
  • - loan agreement;
  • - identity document;
  • - a computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - mobile phone.


Step 1

Come to the branch or central office of the bank where you borrowed money. Contact a bank employee and state your request to find out the balance of the debt on the loan. If you took out a loan directly from the bank itself, you should present an identity document and say the number of the loan agreement that you entered into with the bank. When a loan is taken with a credit card, please provide an identity document and credit card details (bank card number and current account number). After checking the submitted information, the bank officer will give you the necessary information orally or in writing and ask you to put a personal signature for the provision of the service.

Step 2

Each bank has a support service. Dial her toll free number. At the request of the operator of the support service, you need to say your last name, first name, patronymic, details of the identity document (series, number, date of issue and the name of the issuing authority). If the loan is taken directly from the bank itself, then you should indicate the number of the loan agreement and the code word that you invented when concluding an agreement with the bank. When you have used your credit card for a loan, please tell us your bank card number and current account number. After checking the submitted data, the operator will tell you the balance of the loan debt.

Step 3

Each bank has its own website, register on it, enter the necessary data, including the mobile phone number, which will receive an SMS with a password to access the profile. The operator of the support service will call you back, specify the necessary information and tell you how to identify yourself on the site. After completing it, connect the online service. With its help, you can find out the balance of the loan debt, as well as monitor the movement of funds in your account.
