How To Make An Enterprise Structure

How To Make An Enterprise Structure
How To Make An Enterprise Structure

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When you create a new enterprise, then one of the first and important stages of its creation is the development of the organizational structure. Thinking through it, you should perceive it as a system that ensures effective interaction between all components of production: fixed assets, raw materials and components, materials, financial and labor resources.

How to make an enterprise structure
How to make an enterprise structure


Step 1

If your enterprise is large enough and the management apparatus will be separated into separate services, then immediately designate the main departments in the structure: accounting, financial directorate, office, personnel service, administrative and economic and legal departments. If the business is small, then abolish the departments, but provide for separate people on the staff who will perform these functions. Do not forget the auxiliary staff, which can be attributed to the administrative and economic department: drivers, cleaners, watchmen, etc.

Step 2

Think over the entire technological chain of your enterprise from the delivery of raw materials and materials to the issuance and sale of finished products. Break it down into separate functional units, the activities of which can be called the same type. Each link should perform one or more tasks, but the implementation of these tasks should not be duplicated by the rest of the links.

Step 3

Determine where each link will take in the technological chain, and think over how their interaction will be carried out. Draw a diagram that will visually display these units, and establish horizontal links between them.

Step 4

Your task is for the structure to be created to allow management to carry out management, quick and clear coordination of the work of all departments. Think about how to optimally implement vertical communication - the transmission of control signals from the top, from the leadership, down, to the performers. Do not forget to take into account the management apparatus in the scheme - accounting, lawyers, etc.

Step 5

A ready-made diagram of the organizational structure of an enterprise is not a dogma. When it starts its production activity, you can always adjust the structure according to its results. The same applies to the staff, the final version of which will be determined by you after summing up the first results.
