Planning is the foundation of any startup's success. Work on business promotion, customer acquisition and production optimization begins long before its opening. It is the quality of your preparation for future entrepreneurship that determines whether you become one of the few successful traders, or join the ranks of those who could not stay in the market.

Step 1
You need to start building your own business not with looking for money or acquaintances, and not even with choosing an idea, but with yourself. To start your own business, you need to identify personal qualities that can help you in your business. There are tests that determine the potential of a person in the entrepreneurial sphere. Take the "test of entrepreneurial personality" by Thomas Harrison - this will help to identify the qualities that will help you in business - they need to be developed in every possible way, as well as those that will hinder you - accordingly, you need to get rid of them.
Step 2
Choosing a direction of activity is the next step on the path to a career as a businessman. In order to open a company, you need to decide on a business idea. It can be like your own idea, born in your head, for example, after several years of activity in a related field, or borrowed. Tens of thousands of ready-made projects have been published on the Internet today - they can be used as a basis.
Step 3
After choosing an idea, determine its viability. A good business idea is one for which you can easily find answers to questions:
- is there a need for your service / product?
- who is the consumer?
- how can you surpass your competitors?
Step 4
Make a business plan for your future business. Starting your own business from scratch, it is better to develop a plan yourself, rather than order it from third-party firms. The international templates TACIS and UNIDO will help you to plan your plan. Choose any of them and draw up a business plan based on them. When drawing up a business plan, pay particular attention to conducting a detailed SWOT analysis. It will allow developing methods for enhancing competitive advantages, eliminating shortcomings, and also working out tactics of actions in case of unforeseen situations.
Step 5
Starting your own business is much easier with a ready-made business plan. All that remains is to act according to the plan, bringing your ideas to life. Obtain the necessary permits, licenses, select a taxation and accounting scheme. Find a place for your business and start raising funds.
Step 6
Borrowed funds are most often used as sources of financing. Do not rush to contact banks - try to borrow funds from relatives and friends at a minimum interest. The pledge in this case will be your credit of trust, which has been accumulating during the entire period of your acquaintance. Make the most of this resource!
Step 7
Start looking for people with a similar worldview. Such people should form the backbone of your team - just a team, or, if you want, the staff of your company should become a family in order for the latter to be successful. Treat your employees like professionals and they will pay you back with integrity and diligence.