Assessment of the competitiveness of an enterprise is a determination of the efficiency of management, the use of production, labor and economic resources and a comparison of the results obtained with similar indicators of competitors. Most often, competitiveness is calculated when drawing up business plans for lending and attracting investments.

Step 1
Competitiveness is determined on the basis of many factors, but the most objective result is given by mathematical methods of assessment, that is, the calculation of coefficients and their comparison with the industry average. The competitiveness coefficient is the sum of the coefficients of its components: operational efficiency and strategic positioning.
Step 2
Operational efficiency is the best result of the organization's activities among competitors. It is established by analyzing the conduct of certain types of activity and is characterized by the profit received from the production and sale of products. It is assessed by comparing the calculated value for the enterprise in question and the average for the sample, that is, the industry average.
Step 3
Calculate the operating efficiency of the organization by dividing the balance sheet revenue excluding VAT by the cost price. Next, calculate the operating efficiency for the sample using the formula:
Operating efficiency per sample = Revenue per sample / Cost per sample.
Then determine the coefficient of operational efficiency: divide the obtained value about the enterprise by the indicator for the sample.
Step 4
Strategic positioning - conducting activities that differ from competitors both in nature and in the uniqueness of the technologies used, providing a stable market share, which serves as the basis for assessment. Calculate the market share as the ratio of the company's revenue to the market size and compare the result with the market share for the sample.
Step 5
The positioning of a company in the market must be considered in dynamics, therefore, for an objective assessment, determine the indices of changes in the volume of the organization's revenue, revenue for the sample in relation to the previous period, dividing the revenue indicators by similar values of the previous year.
Step 6
Calculate the strategic positioning coefficient: divide the index of change in the volume of the enterprise's revenue by the index for the sample and extract the square root of the quotient.
Step 7
Finally, calculate the competitiveness ratio based on the sum of the operational efficiency and strategic positioning ratios. A value greater than 1 means high competitiveness of the enterprise, equal to 1 - similar to other enterprises in the industry, and with an indicator less than 1 - low.