Each product that is presented on the market today has a certain level and indicator of competitiveness. This indicator reflects the degree of attractiveness of the product for a particular consumer. In general, the competitiveness of a certain is determined by commercial parameters, consumer and economic parameters.

Step 1
To calculate the indicators of the competitiveness of a certain product, select its analogue that exists on the sales market (for a specific market and at a certain point in time).
Step 2
Assess the consumer qualities of a similar competing product. Determine to what extent it meets the needs and to what extent.
Step 3
Analyze the functions - basic and additional (if the subject performs such).
Step 4
Give an assessment of the functions (similarities and differences) of the thing, the competitiveness of which you are evaluating and the thing competing with it.
Step 5
Find out how long-term this product, or rather its potential, is. Remember that in order for an item to be competitive for a long time, it must remain attractive for as long as possible.
Step 6
Analyze and compare the price performance of your product and a similar competing product. Please note that in case of significant differences in the price of these two goods, in order to ensure and maintain competitiveness indicators, some compensation should occur due to possible additional functions, the possibility of using a wider and more developed service.
Step 7
Please give an assessment of the ergonomic parameters of this product.
Step 8
Define and evaluate the aesthetic parameters and performance of the product. Analyze how this subject complies with generally accepted state standards and technical regulations.
Step 9
Make a table in which you enter all the data obtained during the analysis. Make a comparative description. Make appropriate conclusions about the competitiveness of a particular product, as well as a possible increase in these indicators.