Post Bank offers cash loans and credit cards. They can be used by Russian citizens aged 18 and over. You can take out a loan at any branch by submitting an online application or in person.

Post Bank is a financial institution created by VTB and Russian Post. The key goal is to increase the availability of financial services for the citizens of our country. For this, high interest rates on deposits, convenient loans and some other bank loans are offered.
Features of loans
The range of banking services offered by the company is quite large. You can find classic consumer programs, specialized (targeted, for the development of the Far Eastern areas). The recipients of bank funds can be both individuals and legal entities. There is also a refinancing program that allows you to reissue a previously issued loan in another bank on more favorable terms.
Customers can find offers:
- with rates from 8, 5;
- without income certificates with a minimum package of documents;
- with obtaining a preliminary decision in 1 minute;
- for any period and rather large amounts.
Who can get a loan from Post Bank?
A legally capable citizen aged 18 and over can become a borrower. A prerequisite is the presence of a residence permit in any constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The age limit may vary depending on the program. One part of the loans can be issued only before the retirement age. The second involves issuing cash and credit cards to retirees.
It is easier to get a loan for those who have an official place of work. If not, then interest rates will be higher, and the chance of getting rejected increases. For a guaranteed receipt of a positive decision, it is necessary to prove that:
- the level of income is sufficient to pay off the debt;
- the credit history does not contain information about gross violations and delays;
- the total number of loans issued by other banks is less than three.
How to get a loan?
Citizens can use two ways: submit an application on the official website or go directly to a bank branch. The first method allows you to get a preliminary solution. For the final one, you will have to visit the department to sign the contract and provide the original documents.
When filling out the online application, you need to indicate:
the amount and term of the loan;
- Personal Information;
- information from the passport;
- seniority and place of work;
- additional information.
After considering the application, a potential client will be called back by a bank employee. He agrees on the date and time of the meeting, specifies the list of required documents.
To increase your chances of disbursing funds, provide the employer's landline phone number, his TIN. With you, in addition to a passport and a copy of the labor document, you will need SNILS. Salary certificates may not be required (depending on the program chosen).
You may be offered an Insurance Coverage Program. It is not mandatory, but consent to it significantly affects a positive result. The borrower can choose to use cash or a credit card. Both methods have their advantages.