How To Get A 100% Loan From The Post Bank

How To Get A 100% Loan From The Post Bank
How To Get A 100% Loan From The Post Bank

Is it possible with 100% probability to take out a loan from Post Bank? This is a common question. Let's figure it out in this article.

How to get a 100% loan from the Post Bank
How to get a 100% loan from the Post Bank

The bank acts as a universal retail enterprise established last year by VTB and the Russian Post. The key goal of the Post Bank establishment is to strive to increase the availability of financial services provided to the residents of Russia. This financial organization is currently developing a large-scale network based on the Russian Post. By the onset of 2018, it is planned to open about eighteen thousand branches at post offices, which will make it possible to increase the penetration of basic banking services throughout the country. How to get a loan from Post Bank, as well as the opinions of consumers about the products of this financial organization will be discussed below.

What does it look like?

At post offices, the bank is represented in the form of sales windows, where employees of this financial organization work. It carries out its activities without cash registers, any transactions are performed by customers through the use of ATMs with a closed circulation of funds. Today "Post Bank" is the only organization in Russia, whose terminal network entirely consists of such devices. You can withdraw money or replenish your card balance at those points of the Russian Post where pos-terminals of this bank operate.


So, how to get a loan from Post Bank? The organization offers a variety of loans. Products range from lending for personal purposes and education to providing funds for the development of the "Far Eastern Hectare" and support for corporate clients. In addition, there are refinancing services, loans for retirees and so on.


Most often, people want to take out a cash loan at Post Bank. The interest rate on consumer loans is thirteen percent. The amount that can be obtained within the framework of lending for personal purposes reaches one million rubles. Terms are provided from one to five years. In order to make an application, you must present your passport, as well as the SNILS number. The application can be submitted in several ways:

  • Fill out the form on the official website.
  • Fill out an application at the customer center.
  • Make an application at the sales counter or at the point of sale with the bank's partners.

Client requirements

The bank will not make all applicants for cash borrowed funds its clients. For a positive decision, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements: be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the Russian Federation with a permanent residence permit in any region of the country, work in one place for at least three months. You also need to think about additional documents (SNILS, driver's license, international passport with marks). Basically, loans are issued to people who carry out labor activities. But if the applicant does not work, he can also apply for a loan, but the terms of cooperation with him will be more severe.

Preliminary decision

The preliminary decision will be communicated to clients in a minute if the application is filled out on the website. When it is submitted at a bank branch, it takes up to one working day. Having received a loan, customers can withdraw cash through an ATM or pay with a plastic card.
