How To Get A 100% Loan From Sberbank

How To Get A 100% Loan From Sberbank
How To Get A 100% Loan From Sberbank

Buying an apartment, car, yacht or cat - mei-kun. All this is not so easy to make money. Therefore, to buy more expensive things, people often resort to loans. But they don't always give it out just like that. The most famous bank in Russia is Sberbank. This is what potential borrowers usually consider. How to get a loan from Sberbank with one hundred percent probability?

How to get a 100% loan from Sberbank
How to get a 100% loan from Sberbank

Sberbank attracts more and more clients every year. If the need for a loan is great, the borrower needs to convince the bank of his reliability. Especially if the information on wages does not help.

There are many criteria for borrowers. They are kept secret, known only to the bank. We focus on the specified requirements and failure statistics. You can also ask around friends who have encountered this situation.

An exemplary trustworthiness algorithm

  • When submitting documents, the borrower is assessed by a special program that assigns a certain score based on previously entered parameters: credit history, age, length of service, salary level, permanent registration, citizenship, marital and social status, convictions, guarantors.
  • Next, the security service comes into play. Or they will call your home or specified phone number for an initial check. They can call the management at work to give a description of the borrower. Find out information in law enforcement agencies for problems with the law.
  • The bank must examine the client "from all sides", then the risk will be lower, therefore, the cost of the loan too.
  • It is easier to get a non-targeted loan.

How to take loans correctly

  • We estimate our income - solvency. No more than 40 percent of your income should go to pay off the debt. It is calculated based on the fact that existing loans, insurance payments, the cost of maintaining minor children, etc. are deducted from current costs. The 60% that remain should not be below the subsistence level.
  • Indicate the amount of income of the spouse / husband. If you have additional sources of income or savings, please let us know.
  • Work experience affects the stability of income from the bank's point of view. Therefore, the more the better.
  • It is believed that trust in entrepreneurs is lower because they can indicate any income in 2-NDFL. Therefore, you can show a copy of your tax return to allay doubts.

Credit history

  • There should be no delays and bad outcomes with previous loans. Or their minimum availability. If you have never taken out loans, then the bank does not have a "sample" of your credit "discipline". Take a small loan (for example, buy a new phone with credit money) and repay it on time. You can also apply for a credit card and regularly pay for purchases with it, returning the money on time.
  • Money back guarantees - pledge, surety, expensive property.
  • Appearance and behavior: the client should not be rude, put pressure on the employee. Obviously, it may end badly.
  • Documentation. If the client is very often chased after various supporting documents, most likely they do not want to give a loan, but only try to postpone the case so that the client changes his mind.
  • Show as many official documents as possible. Even an indirect confirmation of "gray / black" wages. Attach to the application a TCP, a CASCO policy, a receipt for payment for expensive household appliances, an apartment rental agreement.
  • Filling out the questionnaire. We write legibly, because the less time it will be confirmed, the more likely it will be to treat you well in the future.
  • Everything can be checked, so giving deliberately false information can put a client on the bank's blacklist.
  • Always stay connected. Please include an available phone number.

Assess your capabilities and desires. Is it really necessary to take a loan? Calculate your income and future earning opportunities.
