You may be much closer to financial freedom than you think: it is not only the privileged few who can make capital in Russia. There are ways available to many - business, real estate investment or securities.

Step 1
If you are adventurous and have already thought about owning your own business, consider an idea that can make a profit in your city or region. A profitable business idea is almost a win-win. For those who do not have extraordinary ideas, you can open a business that is necessary in any conditions, for example, a store of essential goods. You can also buy a franchise from a well-known enterprise whose goods or services are in demand, but in this case, you will have to invest at least half a million rubles in the business.
Step 2
Remember that starting a business in itself is not a way to make money. If you are just starting a business and keeping it average, your income is likely not to be as high as it could be. The business needs constant development and expansion, as well as attracting new customers. Therefore, having opened a business, it is important not to stop and develop new products, look for customers, go first to the regional, and then, possibly, to the international market.
Step 3
Investing is a less difficult and risky way to raise capital in Russia. You can invest in securities, real estate, precious metals. As a rule, investing is available to everyone with an average income. It is best for a novice investor to invest money through mutual investment funds (mutual funds). The first thing you should do is decide what you will invest in. For example, investments in real estate are assessed by many experts as almost risk-free, but low-yield, while investments in stocks are considered, on the contrary, more risky. If you are not very good at finance, get a specialist consultation first.
Step 4
Select a mutual fund in which you will invest. To do this, you need to analyze the most famous ratings of mutual funds (for example, there is such a rating here: In addition to profitability, consider how long the mutual fund has been in existence, and what the initial payment may be. As a rule, initial contributions in most funds range from 15 to 30 thousand rubles
Step 5
After choosing a mutual fund, you should contact its specialists who will open a bank account for you through which you will transfer money. The mechanism of your work with the fund will be as follows:
1. transferring money to the account;
2. formation of the investment portfolio by the manager;
3. after a certain time - making a profit (usually 3-5 years).
Generally, you are free to contribute as often as you can afford.