How To Make A Million Dollars In Russia

How To Make A Million Dollars In Russia
How To Make A Million Dollars In Russia

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Almost every Russian wants to become a millionaire. Dreams of a luxurious life, travel, a prestigious car and housing bring a pleasant smile. However, some achieve all this, realizing the seemingly most incredible ideas, while others closely do not notice the opportunities that open before them. Every million is based on an idea.

How to make a million dollars in Russia
How to make a million dollars in Russia

It is necessary



Step 1

Get involved in the production and distribution of mannequins. Sounds weird? Perhaps, however, this market is open to new entrants. The fact is that the physique of Russians is noticeably different from the forms of Americans, Europeans, and even more so Asians. Clothes made in Russia do not look very attractive on "alien" mannequins. In addition, they are all faceless and look alike like two drops of water. Therefore, you can add a little creativity and make them look like celebrities, for example. According to rough estimates, a million can be earned after two years of such a business.

Step 2

Come up with versatile gift sets. Of course, now on the shelves you can find a huge variety of offered presents. However, they are not identified in any way. For example, it would be very convenient to come to the store and buy a set "for a teacher", "for a doctor", etc. Such sets can be compiled not only on the basis of professionalism, but also according to the level of income, hobbies.

Step 3

Organize street sales of hot drinks. This idea is being successfully exploited in Europe, but in Russia it has not yet found wide distribution. This means that while this path of earning their first million is open to everyone. Agree, Russia, although a large country, is rather cold. The average annual temperature is only three degrees. Often, walking along the streets, there is no desire to go to a cafe, but you really want to drink something warming. A mobile booth chain selling high quality hot drinks can generate impressive revenues.

Step 4

Take up industrial tourism. This industry in Russia is not developed at all. Excursions to the factories are carried out exclusively for the personal purposes of the factories themselves. Apart from their manufacturers, only journalists who collect information for publication are familiar with the production process of the simplest things. But it can be interesting not only for reporters, but also for foreigners and ordinary people.
