It so happens that you need to resell the product and do it as soon as possible and with the least loss. What to do in this case, especially if you do not specialize in wholesale supply of goods?

Step 1
Check the integrity of all tags and labels on the product, as well as the integrity of the packaging. Check if the product has all the necessary certificates confirming its quality and safety.
Step 2
Do not under any circumstances advertise the fact that you are reselling a product (especially if you buy it at the nearest warehouse). At the same time, always make sure that in neighboring stores or retail outlets there is no the same product as yours and at lower prices or in an expanded range.
Step 3
Display the product that needs to be sold first in the center of the main showcase or place it in the maximum accessibility of a potential buyer on the central counter.
Step 4
If you do not work in a store with fixed prices or you own one, then at the slightest interest of the buyer in a product that needs to be resold urgently, reduce the price or promise a decent discount or some inexpensive related product. But do not reduce the price by more than 25%, otherwise the buyer will suspect that something is wrong.
Step 5
In the event that you decide to resell the goods without going through the store (or if you are not related to trade), first contact your friends, relatives or colleagues with a proposal to buy a good product from you at a bargain price. If your loved ones don't need such a product, submit an ad with a short but succinct description to one of the most popular newspapers. Avoid emotionally charged words when writing your ad.
Step 6
Agree with the owners of outlets in the market about the resale of the goods, having previously learned the average prices for it from other merchants. Pay attention to the fact that often the retail resale of goods can be carried out, at best, by novice entrepreneurs, at worst - by random people who are not always in tune with alcohol or drugs. Therefore, before offering a product to a particular merchant, pay attention to the assortment of goods, the location of the outlet, talk to the seller's neighbors.