BM - instruction for a successful business
I am an employee and the idea of my own business is an old dream. But fear and wild uncertainty of success due to ignorance of the basics of building their own business prevented me from approaching it. In search of information I came across Business Youth, and then an epiphany happened! Just by studying the BM Knowledge Base, it became really clear how what I do for my bosses can become MY business. The guys from BM - Peter Osipov and Mikhail Dashkiev chew the information and put it into step-by-step instructions, while energizing and motivating to action. Success is inevitable!

Review about
Having had a sad experience of doing business earlier, I was already disappointed that something could work out at all. After all, society is used to being skeptical of young female leaders, believing that they do not have enough experience to conduct such an important business. It would seem that despair has come, but Misha, Sasha and Peter who met on my way helped me to believe in myself thanks to their trainings. And very soon I started a new job, which at this stage of my life brings me a stable income. BM (Business Youth) helped me to believe in myself and make my plans a reality.
Here is my opinion about BM
Maria Orlova
The ideas and tasks of my business plan primarily belong to the work of highly qualified BM (Business Youth) specialists Misha, Sasha and Peter. Having attended the ongoing trainings, I clearly formed a plan in my head that helped to make my dreams come true and get not only a profit from the realized, but also moral pleasure from a successful result. I believe that the courses have contributed to my business. Thanks BM for the help provided.
Taran Alevtina Olegovna
Being in a long search for ideas for developing a start-up business, I turned to a friend for help. It was she who advised me to seek help from first-class business specialists Mikhail and Peter. Having attended the first interactive lesson of BM, goals and plans for further growth were already formed in my head. Taking into account the advice I heard from Mikhail and Peter, I began to implement the ideas and soon they began to bring me a stable income.
BM helps you find yourself
Nowadays, there are many real opportunities to create your own successful business. But it is very difficult to find something new, unique, your own, and, moreover, so that it brings a constant income. Both Peter and Mikhail from BM give advice on how to find your niche for doing business. All of these tips are great motivation, and the desire to make your own money only grows. And most importantly, all information is presented in a non-standard and easy-to-understand form, and this is one of the most important aspects in training.
The BM project helped me
Pavel Alexandrovich
I was running my business even before I knew about BM. Things were going well, but profits remained at the same level. I started looking for ways to solve the problem, and found the most valuable advice in the Business Youth project. I didn't even think that the information could be presented in such an accessible and concise manner (usually I came across a different approach). Now my income has become 2 times higher, with the help of BM I analyzed a lot. Thanks to Peter and Misha: they know where it is more profitable to invest money and suggest good decisions!
BM is the best solution to problems
Yulia Viktorovna
BM is a powerful project: it has a lot of valuable ideas, but the advice on how to detail aspects of marketing suited me the most. The business immediately went well, the profit from it appeared. Thanks to Mikhail and Peter for Business Youth, thanks to their recommendations, I finally received a significant income from the activity. Now I keep the statistics correctly, too, and this helps me make money. For me personally, the BM project opened up a new perspective on many topics in which I was previously poorly guided.
Webinars help in business
Amazing webinars! They give a lot of information)) But I will figure it out in the coming days. Most importantly, I have finally decided on a niche for business! It remains only to develop the idea and start making money and increasing income in the future, and I think again with the help of the Business of Youth. I have already noticed interesting courses for increasing profits. Thank you, this is the best thing you could think of for young businessmen.
Girls can build businesses too
Elena Borisova
Thanks to trainings, Business Youth gained confidence in herself and in her business! You say, what's the big deal? And I’ll answer you, it’s one thing to build a business when you are a man, especially an adult, but when you are a girl, all the more young, no one takes you seriously, neither colleagues, nor customers, nor clients. Accordingly, incomes fell because of this. Plus the lack of experience and the necessary knowledge for business development, but thanks to the trainings, they motivated me very much, which gave results in income literally instantly. All success in your work!