Business Youth - Employee Reviews About The Employer

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Business Youth - Employee Reviews About The Employer
Business Youth - Employee Reviews About The Employer

Video: Business Youth - Employee Reviews About The Employer

Video: Business Youth - Employee Reviews About The Employer
Video: Welcome to Employee Reviews 2024, October

Business Youth is a serious company


Working in the Business of Youth brings me complete satisfaction and a stable income. If you want, you can earn more. I really like this. You need money, work more, and you will receive accordingly. In BM, a young person can get a career and a lot of knowledge. Every day you receive new information that you apply in the field of sales. The general organization of work and my workplace suits me. The office has been renovated, everything is clean, beautiful and modern. The computer is new and powerful, not what I have at home. Information arrives instantly. No problem with the printer, paper or other stationery.

I don't see any minuses in my work, although there are not very pleasant clients who bring negative emotions, but this is rare.

Business Youth - employee reviews about the employer
Business Youth - employee reviews about the employer

Excellent employer Business Youth


A motivating company is what I love the most about this employer! There is an opportunity not only to work and earn money, but also to gain invaluable experience, to learn! The team is very friendly and cheerful, it is pleasant to be in the company of employees. I liked very much that my first successful deal was marked with a small present, denial, or I never heard harsh words from my boss at all, the criticism was always justified! During my work in Business Youth, conflict situations did not arise even once. The office of the company is conveniently located, it is easy to get there from anywhere in the city. It is important that you go to work in BM with joy, it is very inspiring for work achievements!

At BM, you learn to manage your time correctly

Sergey, sales manager

Yes, in Business Youth, managers have a lot of work. But it is precisely this aspect that allows you to truly master the profession, to achieve mastery. Gradually, you learn to make the best use of your working hours in order to have time to solve all the tasks and enjoy communication in a pleasant team. But quite often, due to the heavy workload, you have to stay up late, or even work on weekends. Unfortunately, overtime work is paid in a rather meager amount, or not paid at all. Therefore, several times on this occasion there have been conflicts with both the accounting department and the management of BM. I would like to hope that our employers will begin to listen to the opinion of the team and everything will work out in this regard.

BM helped to realize


It's hard to find yourself in such a tough, difficult time. I believe that Business Youth can help with this. The team is creative, professional and friendly. They will not laugh at the newcomer, they will help you quickly get into work. Of course, the sales manager's journey is not easy. There should be a lot of clients and they are all different - sometimes annoying and meticulous, with their own requirements. Therefore, each requires utmost correctness, finding the most appropriate form of dialogue. And they ask strictly. It requires constant self-improvement, updating the knowledge base. But these are positive aspects. There is no other way in modern society. I am glad that a part of my life passes in BM. The support and transfer of experience by the elders, the Sales-Force system, and the motivational base are very helpful. There is a decent career opportunity in the business of youth. For her sake, I want to work more creatively, completely surrender to the process, and constantly increase sales.

Business Youth is my best job


Although I am still young, I have already changed more than one job. When I got into Business Youth, I thought it was temporary. Now I think that BM is my best job, which I have no desire to change. Everything suits me here, from the work process itself, its organization and to the compliance of the leadership. In addition, the whole team is well-coordinated, teachable and cheerful. There is a desire to go to work every day and even seven days a week. Home does not pull at all, which is not scary yet, I am single. And here there are many beautiful girls and reliable guys, there is enough communication. I have one problem - I always want to eat, and I don't feel like carrying sandwiches with me.

My second job in my life


Business Youth is my second job in my life. After graduation, I ended up in a state structure, where the day dragged on like a rubber one, and money - twice a month in such quantities that it was enough for travel and lunch. Living without money is boring and joyless. Here everything is the other way around, the more work you put in, the more you get, that's why I work for myself with great pleasure. The BM team is excellent, there are many beautiful girls, it's a pleasure to work. I like the fact that managers are intelligent and see you as a person, and not just a hired labor force. It’s bad that it’s far to travel, but soon I’ll raise money and rent an apartment near the proletarian or textile workers.

Sales Manager Position


When I took up this position, I doubted whether I could handle it. The guys who were already a sales manager said that they would have to work hard and if something did not work out, they would not stop. Began to follow all the rules of the Business of Youth. Yes, it was difficult to rebuild, because I am a man of old school and I am already 37 years old. But young ambitious colleagues helped me to look at sales from the other side, to use new methods. Thank you for learning perseverance from BM, now I easily call 40 or more people a day. Yes, sometimes people can get nasty or hang up, but I don't stop and keep calling. The work schedule is active and you do not always find time for a break, but this is in my interests, because I can make more money. The dining room in Avilon is not very pleasant, but you can get by with a home thermostat.

BM - I see some pluses for myself


In our company, I hold the position of a sales manager. I am satisfied with the work. The only place where almost everything suits me, and I have changed a lot of jobs. A special plus for me at BM is that the team is friendly, active, creative and purposeful. In the circle of such guys, I myself want to take the "higher bar". Comfortable working conditions and understanding management who will always come to the rescue and deal with a difficult situation is another positive side in this company. The schedule and pace of work allows you not to lose activity, to be always on the alert! That is why the working day flies by quickly and interestingly. For me it is important that the work is not boring, but intense. I earn as much as I want. Fortunately, the Business Molodost company provides such an opportunity. I would also like to mention seminars. I learn a lot on them, increase the efficiency of my work, and this helps me earn even more. I remember only one of the minuses. At the very beginning of work, I was confused by the fact that the calls were tapped by the quality department. But then I got used to it, even came to the idea that for better functioning of BM and for improving the quality of work of employees, this action is simply necessary.

Business Youth - a fusion of dynamics and creativity

Roman, customer support manager:

I have long dreamed of putting my psychologist's baggage into practice. Finally it succeeded. For over a year I have been working in a wonderful team, whose name is a team. We work harmoniously, despite the busy schedule. Business Youth boasts excellent specialists. At first it was difficult, but there is someone to ask and consult. The earnings are quite satisfactory. But the menu in the Avilon dining room leaves much to be desired, as well as the meager landscape around - construction sites, roads, industrial zones, railway … But there is no time to pay attention to this: BM offers wonderful prospects.

Permanent work in Business Youth


He meets a pleasant, young, and most importantly educated contingent. No rudeness and negative attitude towards employees. From the very first day, high involvement in the process is needed, it is not easy, but it pays off handsomely. The organizational structure of the company is fully consistent with its business objectives. The team of my department is extremely friendly and close-knit, but the main thing in it is the high professionalism of everyone. I will not say this about other divisions, but judging by the communication with their employees, approximately the same is observed there. The coaching in which I have to participate does not just provide me financially, you can learn a lot from it yourself. And business is business - who knows what skills might come in handy? In this respect, "Business Youth" is simply an inexhaustible source of ideas and concepts.

Live and learn

Anton, customer support manager

Such conditions for the professional growth of employees, as in BM, are no longer to be found. Seminars, trainings are constantly held, and the experienced management does not stand aside when we all need advice on working issues. I would like to draw the attention of the BM management to the work of programmers. For the normal performance of their duties, you need to use additional tools - for example, the appropriate software, and it is rather difficult to ask computer scientists to install the necessary program. It is not the first week that I have been "put" in a Microsoft office. But how to work effectively if there are no elementary tools at hand?

With BM, you can make plans for the future


Business Molodost is a dynamic developing company with good prospects. This is probably the main factor why I work here. In my previous jobs, I was even reluctant to give all my best, there really was a feeling that it did not make sense. When you see the ceiling, above which you cannot jump, it keeps you great, there is no drive. There is also room for professional growth, creativity, creativity, training seminars are constantly held. Although employees may be unhappy when seminars fall on weekends, there is nothing to be done about it, the discipline at BM is tough. It is also important for me that the authorities allow me to take money without waiting for payday, the main thing is that there are sales.

Businessyouth is a strong union of like-minded people


Before joining the BM team, he worked as a sales manager for another company. To be honest, the activity did not bring joy. And so I wanted to be useful. Contacting Business Youth was advised by a friend, also, by the way, an employee of BM. Having come here, I found myself in a real team of like-minded people who are constantly improving their experience. Communication with colleagues and clients helped to build even more self-confidence. I learned a lot, now I am sharing my knowledge with the newcomers. Management (Sasha, Peter) - people are ambitious, goals and objectives are set so that everything is clear the first time. As a last resort, they will explain again, without emphasizing their superiority. And this, you see, is a rarity in our time. I work at BM and am happy with everything.

customer support manager


Business Youth for me is a super-company, here I finally found everything I was looking for: both a decent income, which largely depends on me, and friendly colleagues who are inclined towards self-development, training and success. I always wanted to be surrounded by just such people: young, self-confident. Even when faced with other departments, I am constantly convinced of this. Working with clients and their support is very interesting in itself, I have already learned a lot and continue to learn. BM generally changed my views, attitude towards money and goals. In the business of youth, I like the objectivity of the bosses, no one is trying to assert themselves at your expense or sit up, there are no these soviet concepts. I would like the office of the company to be in a more respectable place, otherwise there is a busy noisy highway around, an unattractive landscape … And some offices are not entirely comfortable - the heat is unbelievable in summer and cold in winter. Because of these nuances, many reputable customers have the wrong opinion about the company.

Business Youth - a new incentive for aspirations


I like it: great team, excellent leadership. The most important advantage for me is that the company knows how to help with the definition of motivation. Work here is perceived not as a duty, but as fulfilling one's own desires. The results are visible immediately, your own career growth and earnings depend only on you. The work with newcomers is very well prepared: specific plans are defined, most of the difficulties that business-youth workers may face are explained in advance. I don't like it: so many conversations with clients cannot but tire you, but in the process of work you do not notice this fatigue at all.

Good mood guarantees good results


At work of my mother there are such "battles of inner meaning" that you can shoot a movie or write detective stories. Every evening, my mother tells fresh stories, we involuntarily listen and wait for information about the development of events by the next dinner. Recently I caught myself thinking: how can one work in such conditions. In our company, our employees have no time to conduct "quiet and prolonged battles"; we have open and fair competition. I think that in a young team, everyone is busy with a personal career, striving for real financial results. Therefore, it is simply unprofitable to be sprayed on squabbles, hooking up and gossip. Time is money. We are focused on working with clients, we need to show the product with our face, tell about the properties, help to choose, etc. We must work honestly with the client so that he becomes a regular customer. There is no place for deception, gossip and squabbles in our activities, we are always positive. Working in a positive way with itself develops into a positive life.

Work for the young is a chance for the active


Finding a more suitable job for a young person is simply impossible. After graduation, I had problems with work: as an office plankton, I could not sit all day in one place. I am by nature a very active and restless person. Before working in this company, I was inspired and I myself began to believe that my hyperactivity is a negative character trait, and now I am sure that communication skills, mobility and sociability are the main trump cards. I started my first steps with a very small base of regular customers, for 5 months of work the number has grown 2.5 times. I can boast of an increase in the number of clients loyal to our company. This is a tangible result, so to speak. But the main thing for me is satisfaction from communication: new acquaintances, negotiating with business people help me to develop. Since you have to spend a lot of time at the workplace, I would like to have the opportunity to have a snack if you wish. But, unfortunately, the assortment in the dining room is rather meager, and what is offered does not cause much appetite. I would very much like changes in this regard, otherwise it’s not working well on an empty stomach.
