Despite the seeming simplicity of the procedure for obtaining a loan, it is not so easy to find the optimal banking program and collect the required documents in reality. The fact is that the credit conditions prescribed in the advertisement, and the actual discrepancies with them, revealed at the stage of signing the agreement, can be quite significant. It is in order to avoid such situations and generally minimize the financial and time costs of the client, and it is required to contact professional financial brokers who protect their interests and control the legitimacy and honesty of the actions of banking structures.

A loan broker is a financial specialist who plays the role of an intermediary between the client and the bank. He, professionally possessing the entire completeness of thematic information on the market for these services, has the opportunity to choose the most acceptable loan option for the client. In addition, a loan broker helps to collect the necessary package of documents for obtaining a loan. And in the last phase of this process, he exercises control of the credit institution itself in matters of honest fulfillment of its obligations.
Naturally, you can independently analyze the existing lending programs, collect documents and fulfill your obligations according to the agreement signed with the bank. However, as life practice shows, credit brokers who faithfully perform their functions can often be irreplaceable. After all, the level of their professional qualifications can really save customers time and money, as you can see by reading customer reviews on independent resources on the Internet.
What does a credit broker do and how to choose the right one
It is important to understand that a credit broker can not only help analyze the lending market, taking into account the individual capabilities and requirements of the client, but also advise at the stage of an already signed agreement with the bank. After all, a competent specialist can always tell the client what opportunities exist for the most optimal option for fulfilling his obligations to the bank. The broker can really minimize the costs of the borrower by telling him how to change the repayment schedule and the amount of payments.

Modern domestic service markets are distinguished by redundant information based not on real user reviews on neutral forums, but on ordered and fabricated data. It is this scourge that sometimes does not allow an ordinary person to understand the situation correctly enough. After all, the buyer of services almost always on the websites of banks sees extremely positive reviews from grateful customers, which in itself is already an indicator of falsification of facts for mercenary purposes. And reviews about a credit broker may also intend to hide the criminal nature of the specialist's activities or his collusion with the employees of the credit institution.
Therefore, it is always worthwhile to use a balanced approach when choosing a “black” broker or a fraudster hiding an unseemly client story, or a specialist who is “pocket” for the bank. In the second case, he will always recommend a particular bank to his client, regardless of the actual situation on the service market. In this case, these "unbiased" specialists, as a rule, charge a lower cost for their services than the average (competitive) one at the current time in the region.
Of course, the feedback from clients who have already experienced the fact of cooperation with trusted brokers is important. But in this case, you always need to obtain information from neutral sources. After all, the bank is defending its interests, and it is quite logical to assume that it will simply destroy negative responses from the information board. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the writing style and the availability of reviews, where customers still have questions about the activities of employees.
What to pay special attention to
An important nuance when choosing a private brokerage firm is the stability of its location. This indicator of reliability (good!) Can be easily determined by the presence of a city phone number, residential habitability of the office (employees equip their workplaces), an information stand that presents a license for this type of activity, a work schedule, contact information and a book of complaints and suggestions.

It is worth paying special attention to advertising. After all, the “economy” format (for example, the ad is printed on a black-and-white printer and randomly pasted on unauthorized surfaces) and the time restrictions on the action are quite eloquent evidence of the low reputation of such an organization.
In addition, you should contact the "National Association of Credit Brokers and Financial Advisers" for up-to-date information on a specific broker. This organization is trusted, and it includes only those companies that are licensed and have earned the trust of their customers.
Credit brokers in Moscow and St. Petersburg
In Moscow, such brokerage firms as Ideal Consulting and Kreditmart received the highest ratings.
The National Association approved the activities of Ideal Consulting. The specialists of this organization provide not only financial consulting, but also legal support for transport logistics and customs clearance, as well as provide commercial administration services. The company's membership in ACBR and its multidisciplinary nature with a huge client network are objective proofs of its solvency in the thematic consumer market.
The branch network of "Kreditmart" covers the entire territory of Moscow. Her interests include banks, investment institutions and insurance companies. This consulting company provides financial support for more than 500 programs, including issues of lending, mortgages and other monetary transactions. However, according to many of the company's clients, its services are not cheap, and payment is charged for each point of cooperation.

The oldest credit broker in St. Petersburg is Fosborne Home. This company advises individuals and legal entities on all types of lending, including mortgage, as well as financial advice on all types of real estate transactions. It has been on the market for over ten years and has an extensive branch network throughout the country.
What are the disadvantages of hiring a loan broker
Naturally, credit brokers charge a fee for their services, which is usually about 2% of the amount of the financial transaction. However, you need to know that free market relations allow all market participants to formulate pricing on an exclusively voluntary basis. So, for certain services in this area, you can come across an "outrageous" price tag of 20%, which will certainly indicate a "black" deal. In addition, the clients of credit brokers are often annoyed by the amount of sufficiently detailed information about them, which, as a rule, is classified not as the performer's conscientiousness, but solely as a “reinsurance” of the employee trying to pose as a professional.

According to some analysts of this service market, today there is a tendency of its development, which focuses on the time saving of choosing a bank, collecting documents and supporting a credit transaction under an agreement with a bank, from the initial ignorance of the clients of credit brokers in financial norms. Now many people are ready to delegate their duties to intermediaries, so as not to waste a lot of time on what they can trust to professionals. However, this way of solving the problem has as objective risks the presence on the market of these services of unscrupulous brokers. It is in order to avoid such troubles that one should independently study it and make an informed choice in favor of a company with an appropriate reputation.