Maternity capital is an additional measure of support for families with children. It is provided from January 1, 2007 to the present. The funds of the matkap can be used for several purposes, one of which is the improvement of living conditions, including the purchase of housing.

Maternal (family) capital is established by the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children." This measure of state support is provided for the birth of a second and subsequent child. The right to receive funds from the federal budget under this law is formalized in the management of the Pension Fund at the place of residence upon presentation of the relevant documents. This right is assigned to the applicant by issuing a certificate for the provision of maternity (family) capital.
In 2018, the amount of the matkap is 453,026 rubles. These funds can be directed for several purposes:
- improvement of living conditions,
- receiving education by children,
- increasing the funded part of the child's mother,
- purchase of goods and services for disabled children for their social adaptation and integration into society.
From January 1, 2018, it is possible to dispose of maternity capital funds by directing them to monthly payments for the second child born from January 1, 2018, if the average per capita family per month is less than 1.5 times the subsistence level, as well as to pay for the preschool education of the institution, without waiting for until the child is three years old.
As statistics show, the most demanded (92%) direction of matkap funds is the improvement of living conditions. Maternity capital can be used to pay off a mortgage or as a down payment on a mortgage, without waiting for the child to reach the age of three.
With the help of maternity capital, you can purchase:
- apartment,
- house,
- room,
- share in a residential building.
This can be done in different ways. The most common one is taking out a mortgage. Moreover, at present, the funds of the maternity (family) capital can be used as a down payment. But the Pension Fund will transfer it to the bank, but the applicant himself will not receive this money. They will be transferred by bank transfer.
Previously, the main condition for the provision of maternity capital funds by the Pension Fund was the child's reaching the age of three. Now you can buy housing without waiting for three years. If we are talking about a mortgage, the holder of the certificate, with the assistance of the FIU, can send state aid in full and earlier - to pay off the mortgage or the initial payment.
However, you can do without a mortgage and a loan. For example, if a family has a sufficient level of income and for a certain time was able to accumulate a small amount of capital, and the total amount with state aid funds will be enough to buy housing without attracting additional (borrowed) money, no organizational issues will arise in purchasing an apartment or house. To do this, it is enough to conclude a sale and purchase agreement and enter into it a clause stating that the missing amount will be transferred to the seller's account from the Pension Fund of Russia by non-cash method. Usually funds from the FIU are received within 1-2 months.
Also, if you agree with the seller, an apartment can be purchased in installments, paying maternity capital funds as the principal debt. In the contract of sale in this case, it is also necessary to stipulate all the points of repayment of the debt by the buyer.
Payment by installments is quite often offered to buyers of apartments in a new building. But for this, it is necessary to clearly spell out all the terms of the transaction in the agreement concluded between the parties. The Pension Fund should be provided with full information about the seller and the acquired property, after studying which it will be decided to transfer the funds of the matkap to the seller.
Transactions on the purchase and sale of real estate between relatives are not prohibited. Blood relatives are an exception. These measures are taken in order to prevent illegal cashing of the certificate and thereby committing fraudulent activities. However, if we are talking about the redemption of a share in an apartment, so that the housing is fully owned by a family with maternity capital, the purchase and sale transactions are possible.
A family can buy real estate under a loan agreement. To do this, you need to find housing, contact a credit mortgage organization, find out if the Pension Fund works with it. Then you need to provide the necessary documents to the FIU and the organization providing the loan. In most cases, credit organizations take care of all the issues related to the paperwork and the sale and purchase agreement, making the client's life much easier. The contract must specify how much the buyer will pay as a deposit and how long the matkap funds will be transferred to the seller. As a rule, the organization transfers the required amount to the client after the FIU approves the allocation of funds for housing and reimburses the loan amount. Usually this period is two months. Until that time, the real estate acquired by the owner of the certificate is pledged by the organization providing the loan. As soon as the FIU transfers the matkap funds to her, the buyer must remove the encumbrance from the apartment.