How You Can Attract Money To Yourself

How You Can Attract Money To Yourself
How You Can Attract Money To Yourself

Someone is constantly interrupted from penny to penny, while money seems to stick to someone. Moreover, the former cannot understand the latter (as well as vice versa). And the secret is simple: money is energy that you can channel if you want. Among the rich people there are those who unconsciously use such laws, but there are also people who specifically learn to manage monetary energy.

How you can attract money to yourself
How you can attract money to yourself

Easy to follow rules can lure money into your life.

Money is loved by those who treat it with love. Until you banish from your head the thought that money is the essence of evil, they are unlikely to want to get to you and, moreover, to linger in your hands. Money - not in the sense of pieces of paper of a certain color, but in the sense of the opportunities that they provide - is an energy-informational structure. They feel great attitude towards them.

Create good conditions for them. Let the money be pleasant to be with you. The place to store them, that is, the wallet, should be liked by you first of all. Try not to keep your money in a shabby old wallet. You can choose any color, but it is better to take note that the color of wealth is considered metallic, shades of earth from black to golden, in China they prefer red, in Europe - black or white.

The wallet should never be left empty. Banknotes must be folded neatly, small change - separately from paper money. When paying for any purchase, you must give money with your left hand, take change with your right. Amulets, talismans should not be neglected, especially if it seems to you that they will help you in any way. Do not lend money on Tuesday or after sunset.

Finally, one more piece of advice, easy to follow, but very effective. You should not envy other people's wealth - it is better to wish people prosperity, then it will not hesitate to enter your life.
