Money is never superfluous. Sometimes you really want to spend a few bills for your own pleasure, but the salary or advance payment is not expected in the coming days, and the piggy bank has been empty for a long time. What to do? Look for additional income.

1. Sale of used goods via the Internet. The easiest way is to sell used goods. Maybe you have a pretty decent thing in your wardrobe that you wore only once to an event and abandoned it? Or did you get an e-book and already have a newer model?
The most important thing in selling is to correctly submit an ad with all the characteristics. An important detail will be a photograph of the product. It should be clear and bright. It is advisable to photograph the product from different angles. If it's a dress or suit, be sure to take three photos: full face, profile and back. Use enticing color names: anthracite instead of black-gray, indigo instead of purple, and so on.
2. Article writing and paperwork. In addition to things, you can sell your skills and abilities. For example, with high literacy and developed thinking - write articles / term papers. Or help the population in issuing certificates for accounting and tax, if you have accounting / legal skills. Some entrepreneurs who are opening will be happy to hire an accountant on a free schedule in their team.
3. Working as an hourly nanny. Young mothers and grandmothers, who get along well with children, can at the same time look after the neighboring children for an additional fee: take them to school and pick them up, etc. The best recommendation in this case is your personal mothering experience.
4. Selling ideas. One of the popular methods of making money on the Internet is crowdfunding (from the English crowd - crowd and funding - fundraising, donation, funding). The point is simple: you register on one of the crowdfunding sites and submit a unique idea, roughly calculating how much money you need to implement your plan. With the world on a string - and now you are the owner of the required amount. Minus: from 5 to 10% are taken by the site owners for providing the site to your fantasies.
5. Services "Home taxi driver" and "Travel companion". If you have your own car, you can make money on a private taxi. It is not recommended to wait for free evenings at stops - you can run into a conflict with bus drivers and other taxi drivers. There is a service "Fellow traveler" on the Internet. For example, you are traveling on business to a nearby town. Three or more places in the car are free. Why not use them for your own good? Register on a suitable site and look for fellow travelers heading to the same city, set the price, taking into account the deduction for gasoline. Immediately stipulate the rules of conduct: do not smoke in the salon, etc.
To avoid attack and robbery, be careful and do not give a ride to questionable citizens. The best option as travel companions would be a married couple with children. Be sure to tell the phone number and other details of your fellow travelers to someone close to you, just in case.
In addition to trips to another city, you can make good money on trips to the children's clinic. Young mothers with nursing babies rarely have the opportunity to drive their own car, since the husband is busy at work. Place an ad on the Internet: "Driver for an hour", hang it in the yard or use word of mouth through local grandmothers.
Offer prices slightly lower than taxi services to start with, to entice customers. Don't forget about safe driving and friendliness, and you will gradually build up a stream of regular customers.