Many families, especially young ones, live paycheck to paycheck, and any unforeseen expense turns into serious stress. In fact, you just need to learn how to manage your family budget so that there is enough money for everything you need and left for unforeseen expenses.

Monitor and analyze
Maintain your family budget so you can see and understand where the money is going. Be sure to monitor your income and expenses in writing. If you don't know how much money you received last month, how can you plan for spending? It is imperative that planning takes into account all the needs of the family. This does not mean at all that you need to strictly record each kilogram of potatoes, it is enough to write down the amounts spent on separate items. At the end of the month, carefully analyze how much money was spent. It is convenient to consider the start and end of the financial month on the payday.
Having the data obtained as a result of financial analysis of expenses for the previous month, you can try to draw up a plan for the next month, distributing expenses in separate envelopes. It is the envelope system that is most convenient for budgeting. On payday, you need to spread money in different envelopes and take it for one purpose or another within a month.
Don't be light on saving. It is very useful to change your own attitude towards money, do not throw it left and right. There are many ways to save money without depriving the whole family of relaxation or other pleasant things. Try not to spend a penny on payday, the fact is that the euphoria caused by a large amount of money in your hands often leads to unplanned spending, and such purchases are likely to be useless.
Save up
If you want to save something, be sure to find a goal. You cannot save money for the sake of money itself; it is psychologically easier to save for something specific and important to you. It could be a new car, a renovation, a summer trip, or even a new apartment. In other words, something for which you will have to regularly save some amount from your salary.