There is a paradox tested by many generations - when you live alone or with your parents, you have enough money, when you find your family, there is no money, although the salaries are the same. If you do not understand where the money is going, then it's time to deal with the family budget.

It starts with the count that you keep for the first couple of months. You just carefully write down every ruble you buy and spend, not trying to save money. Be honest with yourself and record all expenses and income. Be sure to ask your spouse to bring you checks. You can keep records in any spreadsheet editor or in a downloaded special program, you can also use online services.
After two months of clear notes, make a summary report and analyze what and how much you spent. Then analyze each category in detail. The results are overwhelming. The easy spending of 100 rubles on cigarettes at the end of the month turns into a very noticeable amount, and most families spend most of their money on food and loans. Think about how you can reduce your unobvious expenses and where to get additional income.
The task for the third month is global - to draw up a plan for costs and revenues. And the hardest part is sticking to that plan. At first it is quite difficult, but soon you automatically begin to notice where the funds are going and you have the strength to spend them on a more useful or more profitable purchase.
Literally six months later, you will notice that you are spending less money on small things, and the savings are already enough for a new computer or for early repayment of the loan.