It's hard to imagine modern life without loans. Many of us are already used to making a purchase today and paying for it later. But is it possible to take goods on credit profitably, and how to do it?

Step 1
Choose the appropriate bank. All banks offer very different credit conditions. The lowest interest rates are traditionally found in Sberbank. But even here they are not available to everyone. Sberbank, like most Russian banks, uses an individual client assessment system. How profitable the interest rate will be depends on a number of factors: credit history, place of work, size and stability of income, availability of guarantors. Therefore, if you constantly use the services of a bank, then it makes sense to go there for a loan. Thus, you can count on more loyal conditions and reduce the likelihood of getting rejected.
Step 2
Compare prices. Be very careful about registering goods on credit right in the store. Very often, consultants lure potential clients with offers that are "impossible to refuse": interest-free loans, no down payment, discounts on goods. Before making a purchase, do not be lazy to compare prices for similar goods in other stores. Well? Does the offer still seem so attractive? Typically, the difference in price is 15-20% maximum. The bank compensates the rest of the difference through hidden fees and loan payments.
Step 3
If you need a loan for the purchase of goods - contact the bank. As a rule, it is much more profitable to arrange a consumer loan directly at a bank than to use a loan offer at a point of sale. Of course, walking around the banks, drawing up applications, waiting for an answer, looking for better conditions - all this will take some time, but isn't the money saved worth it?
Step 4
The most favorable terms for loans are usually found in the framework of joint programs between banks and manufacturing companies and in the framework of programs with government support. A striking example of this is a loan for the purchase of a car. Almost all large banks have leading car manufacturers among their partners. Affiliate programs assume that the automaker will offset a portion of the buyer's interest expense by offering a discount on the car. There is also a government subsidized car loan program, where a portion of the interest rate is paid by the government. In this case, the interest on the loan is calculated as follows: the current interest rate of the bank on the car loan minus 2/3 of the refinancing rate.