You may need currency as a means of saving savings from inflation or as a way to pay for purchases on a tourist trip. In both cases, you can purchase currency at the best possible price.

Step 1
Find out the cost of the currency you are interested in, which is currently set by the Central Bank of Russia. You can find out on his website or on other resources dedicated to finance. This will help you understand if the time is right to buy a certain currency.
Step 2
Select the bank where you want to buy currency. Focus on the course so that it is most beneficial to you. Also consider such a factor as the commission for making an exchange operation. Some banks charge it, which increases the cost of the foreign exchange transaction for you.
Step 3
Evaluate the selected bank from the point of view of the security of transactions in it. The police recommend not to contact institutions that are not in permanent buildings. Exceptions are exchange offices at airports, where increased security against fraud is provided.
Step 4
Come to the bank with enough Russian money and a passport. Contact the cashier and let us know what currency you want to purchase. If you need a large amount in a rare currency or small bills, it is best to call the bank in advance and find out if they have the bills you need. After the exchange operation, take a receipt confirming the operation. Be sure to count the money without leaving the exchange office.
Step 5
It can be profitable to purchase currency by withdrawing cash from your bank card. In this case, the conversion is carried out at the rate of the payment system.