Following European practice, in 2011 the federal program “Provision of housing for young families” was launched in Russia. Families with the status of “young” and in need of housing can take part in the program and receive state support. According to statistics, thousands of young families in Russia have become participants in this project and have already received help from the state, which consists in subsidies for the purchase of housing and providing convenient conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan.

Step 1
Participants of this program can be: families, the age of each of the spouses of which does not exceed 35 years; single-parent families with children and only one of the young parents; families where each family member has living space less than the established norm (about 18 m2); families recognized as insolvent in accordance with the established procedure.
Step 2
To apply for a subsidy, which will amount to 35% of the cost of housing if the family has no children, and 40% if there are children, you must apply to the local government at the place of registration with the following documents: - civil passports of the spouses
- Marriage certificate
- birth certificates of children
- a document confirming the need to improve living conditions
- certificates of income of spouses
- an extract from the house book
Step 3
Having received a subsidy, you can spend it at your discretion on buying a home, making an initial payment or paying off the principal amount of a mortgage loan. Using this form of state aid, young families will be able to cover a significant part of their costs to improve their living conditions.