Selling computers with a competent approach to organizing a retail outlet is a very profitable business, since modern technology is constantly being updated, and there are a lot of customers for computer equipment. However, one should not forget about the huge competition in this market segment.

It is necessary
- - business plan;
- - lease contract;
- - permits from SES, Fire, local authorities;
- - certificate of registration of an entrepreneur;
- - shopping room;
- - assortment of goods.
Step 1
In principle, there is nothing difficult for opening a computer store from the point of view of the paper part. The difficulties lie rather in the organization of the sale of computers and components for them. At the first stage, you need to think over in detail the business plan of the future store. When preparing it, take into account the competitive environment (it makes no sense to open a computer store in a town with a small population and a fairly high level of competition).
Step 2
Develop a pricing policy, think about the place (it should be convenient for the buyer and not located somewhere far away), the possibility of warranty service and other nuances of this type of business. If you have already calculated everything and decided to start your own business, proceed with the collection of permits.
Step 3
To open a computer hardware store, you must have a certificate of registration as a private entrepreneur, a permit from the SES, a fire department, a lease agreement (if it is rented), a certificate of payment of a single tax (if a simplified taxation system is chosen). In addition, you need to have a garbage collection agreement. All these documents must be entered into the local municipal authority, which issues you a permit for the placement of a trade object.
Step 4
Then start selling the product. The assortment, personnel, design of the sales area, availability of service, advertising are important here. Please note that the computer business forces you to always follow the latest technical innovations on the market and implement them in your assortment. Agree, no one wants to buy outdated models.
Step 5
A significant role in the sale of any product is played by its presentation. The trading floor needs to be arranged in such a way that buyers have access to the product, can see and touch it. This always motivates them to purchase the model of interest. Do not forget about informing potential customers: signs indicating departments, bright labels, advertisements. Periodically arrange promotions and sales: this will get rid of stale goods.
Step 6
Don't forget about the staff. Here they often decide everything. Try to find sellers who are "familiar" with computer equipment. The reputation of the company sometimes depends on their knowledge.