Investments in the analysis of the company's effectiveness pay off very quickly, because in-depth study allows you to make calculations at a qualitatively different level and choose the directions of changes that will make the organization's work more effective.

Step 1
First, from the outset, correctly and clearly set the goal of the analysis. This is especially important when you are going to outsource performance analysis to outside experts. If you are working on analyzing the indicators yourself, then you can afford to clarify the goals in the research process. However, the main goal should still be set before the start of the analytical work. The goals can be different, for example, to identify the reasons for the lack of planned growth of the company or to identify the reasons for the increase in the share of unplanned expenses.
Step 2
Second, analyze the objective performance of the company. These are performance ratios, that is, a detailed answer to the question of whether the company is meeting its objectives. Productivity metrics - whether problems are resolved with minimal labor costs. Productivity analysis involves the study of the quantity and quality of products. The study of profitability allows you to determine the profitability or unprofitableness of the company. When studying energy intensity, energy consumption for production is estimated, which should strive to a minimum. Environmental friendliness of production is also important, as it affects the attitude of people towards the organization and its products, which cannot be ignored in market conditions.
Step 3
Third, analyze the subjective performance of the organization. It is difficult to assess them quantitatively, but it is precisely taking these factors into account that makes it possible to improve performance and change the psychological microclimate of the company, which will immediately affect the productivity of employees. It is necessary to take into account the activity of employees, their tendency to rationalize, a creative approach to solving problems. The most effective ones need to be encouraged and stimulated financially and with additional opportunities.
Step 4
For example, reward them on the results of particularly successful projects, pay them gym expenses if working for a company implies the need to look spectacular. The approach must be individual, the manager must constantly discuss the motivation of individual employees with the HR specialist.
Find out if employees are satisfied with their work. The harmony of the team and its stability are also important. The situation with subjective indicators should be taken into account in a comprehensive manner and one-sidedness should be avoided. For example, an organization employs a person who does not come up with strong proposals and stays in the background, but has the ability to comfort and inspire other, more effective workers. This means that such a specialist needs to be appreciated and stimulated along with others.