11 Things You Didn't Know About Apple

11 Things You Didn't Know About Apple
11 Things You Didn't Know About Apple

Many people know how secret Apple is, which produces the famous iPad and no less famous iPhones. However, there are a few facts that you may not know about.

11 Things You Didn't Know About Apple
11 Things You Didn't Know About Apple

Foster Steve Jobs

In addition to being a Syrian, the founder of the company is also adopted. Biological parents - emigrant from Syria Abdulfatt Jondali and Joan Shible. They met while studying in Wisconsin at age 23. But Joan's parents insisted on giving up the firstborn and demanded to give him up for adoption. A little later, the parents got married, and after that Steve's sister was born.

Why did the first Apple cost $ 666?

The cost of the first Apple PC is $ 666. Co-founder of the company, Stav Wozniak, notes that the devil played no role here. The rationale behind this cost is that the same numbers are easier to print than different ones.

How is cargo transported?

Apple is one of the largest customers of Cathay Pacific (a shipping company that transports goods by air). The fact is that Apple prefers to use the fast method, rather than the low cost. The benefit is that goods on the China-USA route are delivered by air in 15 hours, not 30 days, after which they are sent for sale. Also, planes are not attacked by pirates.

Is the apple just an emblem?

In fact, the apple became not only an emblem and name, but gave the name to the computer. We are talking about the Macintosh PC, which was named after the apple variety. Of course, Steve Jobs tried to change it to something else - Bicycle (bicycle), but the name Macintosh stuck until the end of production.

How realistic are the photos of Apple products?

There is an opinion that high-resolution advertising photographs are Photoshop and skillful editing. However, in reality, such photos are hundreds of “close-ups” that are combined into a clear single image. It uses HDRI technology.

Where did Steve Wozniak disappear?

Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple with Jobs in 1976 in a garage. Now he no longer works for the company, but is on the staff. Salary - 120 thousand per year.

Steve's dying message

Jobs' sister said at the funeral that Steve's dying words were "Oh wow," spoken three times.

How many founders did Apple have?

Not everyone knows, but in fact there were three. There was also Ronald Wayne. It was he who wrote the partnership agreement, drew the logo and instructions for Apple I. But soon he had to sell a 10 percent stake for $ 800 to pay off the debts. Now his share is worth 35 billion.

Who made the white iPod come about?

Jony Ive was one of the founders of the white Apple gadgets, including the iPod. By the way, initially Jobs was against such an idea, but Johnny was able to convince him to use white as the main one.

How much effort did you spend on packaging?

It's no secret that Apple devotes almost less time and attention to packaging, and sometimes so much time and effort is devoted to this that Cupertino has made a headquarters with a room for packaging.

The designers are there to open the packaging. At the same time, they choose those packages that are able to evoke the right emotions in the consumer after the first opening of the box.

Interesting coincidences

In Jony Ive's biography, author Linder Kani has placed the iMac G4 in a box. Its speakers are located on the side of the leg for mounting the monitor. This arrangement was deliberately chosen so that the assembly would resemble genitals. And the idea belonged to the design team.
