Even the most conscientious and competent performers must be controlled. But the team, which is made up of inexperienced people who do not want to work, and the one that brings together professionals for whom work is a pleasure, must be controlled in different ways.

Step 1
You will need the most enhanced control over how employees perform their duties if they are not at all motivated to work and do not want to perform it. In this case, you will need each time to tell everyone in great detail what he should do and say how he should achieve the result. After that, ask to repeat everything that you said to make sure that they understood you correctly and know how to solve the problem.
Step 2
In this case, in order to insure yourself and correct the work in time, arrange an inspection at a certain frequency or at the end of the next stage. The punishment should follow the failure to meet the deadlines or incorrect execution of the order. Otherwise, do not forget to encourage the employee, better financially.
Step 3
When under your leadership are inexperienced, but striving to work well, specialists, then they also need to explain in detail the task itself and the methods of its implementation, instruct and guide them. But this will not last long and after a while such tight control may not be required.
Step 4
If you are sure that the employee, having listened to and understood your task, can cope with its implementation on his own, then you can control his work by the result obtained by him. In this case, there is a risk at the last moment to discover that the task has not been completed, but you know your subordinates better and will trust whoever you can.
Step 5
It is necessary to control the performance of duties by highly qualified employees at the stage of making controversial decisions. Such a team works on self-control and you only need to listen to their proposed solutions to the problem and approve them. Control, as such, can even offend such people and reduce their motivation to work. Super-pros don't need control at all - you can only intervene when asked to do so.