It often happens that a person is smart and even hardworking, but he still has problems with making money. It is possible that the reason lies in the psychological mood. This is often more important than higher education and even talent.

The following factors most often prevent people from making money. Although in reality there are many more.
Lack of self-confidence. Even if no one else believes in you, you should. Then you will calmly accept other people's criticism, stop wasting time on doubts, and you will find the necessary solutions faster and easier. And you will begin to perceive problems as a challenge, and not as a reason for despondency. And be prepared for the fact that the more successful you become, the more criticism you will have to reflect.
Analytical bias and fear of action. Try to reduce the time spent on doubts and reflections and take more action. The more a person thinks about a problem or task, the more difficulties and obstacles he sees on the way, including fictional ones. This is how you waste your time. Conversely, the sooner you begin to put your plans into practice, the faster you find solutions to related problems and the more soberly you see the situation. You are more likely to be successful with one of several started projects than one single one. Start as many projects as possible. In the process, you will find out if they have a chance of success, but be prepared to calmly accept failure. This does not mean that you need to act recklessly and constantly take risks.
Trampling in one place. There is an opinion that a person either develops or degrades. In a rapidly changing world of immense competition, a successful person should strive to be at the forefront. And this means constantly striving to improve in your field. The more professional knowledge and skills you have, the more you can give to clients and the more you will earn. However, knowledge alone is not enough, try to constantly apply new information in practice.
People who don't do their own thing rarely succeed. And this is understandable. Your favorite hobby gives rise to enthusiasm and interest, the brain involuntarily begins to generate new ideas, you even want to spend your free time on it. And the more time and effort invested in something, the more return. With an unloved business, the result is the opposite. Therefore, it is worth taking the time to understand what really brings you joy, and try to move in that direction.
The opinion of oneself as a person unworthy of material wealth. Many people are subconsciously afraid to have more money, but not everyone is aware of this. It can be a feeling of guilt, thinking about money as something bad, low self-esteem from childhood, or the psychology of poverty in children of poor parents. Until a person internally accepts the amount that he would like to have, he will not be able to earn it, or will quickly lose it. He will give up opportunities and avoid good situations. Psychological work on yourself is very important, which will develop in you a calm and friendly attitude towards money and at the same time reduce its excessive importance in your eyes. That which has too much emotion is difficult to obtain.
The habit of being a loner. Try to expand and develop your connections with other people. They are especially important in business. Successful people always have a lot of useful contacts. You cannot know exactly when your acquaintances can bring you benefits and financial gain. And the better your reputation as a reliable and positive person, the easier it will be for you to make new connections.