Waiting for such a significant event as the birth of a baby, many girls think about what to do with themselves for the benefit of the family budget. One of the important criteria when choosing a type of activity is comfort for work and a small amount of time, which allows you to have time to solve all other tasks. Next, I will tell you how to make money for a woman at home.

Work for everyone, you do not need special investments and complex knowledge, skills:
- Creation of an online store for expectant mothers (where links lead to the websites of manufacturers or distributors). Thus, when someone orders a product from these sites through your links, you get a percentage on your account. All you need is to create a group on a social network, for example, Vkontakte and conclude a partnership agreement with companies selling products. Also, earnings on groups of joint purchases function. You buy together, and on top of the price is your percentage, the “worry fee”.
- Network marketing. Buy, attract new customers and get your profit. Everything is not very rosy, but you can make money.
- Call center work. Making and answering calls is not difficult at all from home. All you need is a headset and internet access. Many banks and firms offer this job as a way to earn extra money. The only difficulty is that those who spend a lot of time earn. That is, you really have to work hard to get income.
Job requiring special skills:
- Needlework. If you have a talent from God or you have always wanted to learn it, do needlework. The Internet is full of master classes that will teach you everything: from knitting scarves to creating original designer toys. If you have a prejudice against knitting (many seriously believe that this can lead to an umbilical cord entanglement), take up sewing to order, artistic embroidery. You can create accessories from beads and beads, as well as jewelry. You can distribute the resulting products among friends or via the Internet. The increase in the budget is small, but it is there.
- Artistic creation as a way of earning money. If you feel the talent of an artist in yourself, which is torn out, then create for your own pleasure and make money on it. Tapestries, batik, collages, pastels, oil and just paintings of different genres are selling well. There will definitely be a profit. One "but": the cost of creating examples of art is quite high.
- Smart work from home. For those who do not want to work with their hands, there are many ways to make money at home with your mind. Write thesis to order, do tests, copywriting on content exchanges. It won't take too much time, but it will bring good income. You need literacy and, preferably, experience in this area.
- Provision of services at home. Manicures, pedicures, haircuts and styling are simple ways to make money. However, you need to have the necessary skills at least at an intermediate level. The pros are good money. Cons - requires large investments, purchase of equipment and tools.
Work for specialists with certain qualifications:
- Accountant. If you have experience working with accounting documents, then filling out tax returns or advising on the Internet is quite within your power.
- Lawyer. Consult online, answer questions on forums that offer payment to experts, and generate income.
- Subject teachers. Specialized teachers may well lead classes at home or communicate with students using video calls. Tutors are quite in demand, no matter how wide the supply is, the demand always exceeds it. The average tutor gets 300-400 rubles per hour.
Thus, every woman can find something to her liking while on maternity leave. You just need to choose the one for which the skills and knowledge are suitable, or give preference to the one for which they are not required.