Streamers make money streaming video games. To make money you need a powerful computer, microphone, webcam. You can broadcast at any time, but for beginners it is worth it during a period when professionals are not working.

Many gamers dream of becoming a steamer because they can play video games at home and get paid for it. It is not so easy to become a popular streamer today, since a number of conditions must be met.
Where to begin?
First you need to decide on the game. If you want to become popular, the emphasis should be on popular games that are watched by many viewers. It is desirable that the selected service brings you pleasure. When you have decided on the game, it remains to download special software to your computer.
The simplest thing is to download a free broadcasting program. It will be possible to supplement it with services that allow organizing messages that pop up on the screen.
Many professionals recommend getting started on Twitch. To do this, you need to register on the service and install the desired games. Using the software is quite simple:
- You need to run the utility.
- Enter the name of your profile, select a live broadcast from the broadcast list.
- All that remains is to add the game and start broadcasting.
What is required to earn money?
If you want to start making money, you first have to purchase something without which work in the field of streaming is impossible. You will need:
- Powerful PCs. The requirements for this parameter depend on what exactly you want to broadcast. Some streamers use two computers at once. This makes it possible to correctly distribute the load from the game, makes the work more comfortable.
- Microphone. At the very beginning of their careers, many use gaming headphones with a built-in microphone. But over time, it is advisable to acquire professional equipment. This is due to the fact that high-quality sound is one of the most important parameters. The number of views will depend on it.
- Fast internet. There will be no problems with a new hobby if you have a fairly fast Internet connection. This requires at least 40 Mbps to stream with 720p images.
- Webcam. Some gamers can do without it, but users like to see the reaction of the steamer while playing.
If you decide to professionally engage in this area, to get your audience, you need to be prepared for the exhausting sitting at the computer. As popularity increases, a second internet cable from another provider may be required. This is especially true where there are failures with Internet broadcasting.
Beginners are advised to choose the morning or afternoon time to broadcast first. At this time, there are fewer viewers, but it will be easier to find you. You can also use bots, but this should be done carefully, since you can get a bank for this.
The method described above does not require financial investments, except for equipment. If you want to advance in steaming in quick steps, then you can promote your channel through advertising. This will make it possible to wind up several hundred people on the first try. To do this, you can use social networks, various forums where it is allowed to advertise streams. There are also sites on which, if necessary, you can place a banner with a link.