A merchant is a person who knows how to sell a product correctly, to get the maximum profit from his work. People with certain psychological traits and professional skills can become one.

In a broad sense, a merchant is a person engaged in activities for making a profit. In a narrow sense, the word refers to a person associated with private trade. In Russia, such citizens are usually called entrepreneurs.
Features of the profession
The population of our country has not the best associations with this profession. In the Soviet era, speculators were called merchants, who often deceived citizens. In fact, the profession is enshrined in the all-Russian classifier, includes two areas: commerce by industry and trade.
In the modern world, people with this profession:
- conduct commercial negotiations;
- are engaged in analytical activities;
- manage the trading process;
- regulate and optimize business relations with buyers and suppliers;
- form the assortment and prices;
- organize the correct document flow;
- work on advertising.
Therefore, today the meaning of the word has acquired a different meaning: a merchant is a universal trade specialist, on whose work the profitability and effectiveness of the functioning of the entire company depends.
What skills and qualities should a merchant have?
People who decide to be successful in commercial activities or frequent trading should be mobile, have excellent short-term memory and the ability to quickly make the right decisions. Stress resistance must be developed at a high level. It is necessary not only to be able to find a common language with clients, subordinates and partners, but also to get out of conflict situations correctly.
According to the "Ethical Code of a merchant", a specialist must:
- to tell the truth;
- adhere to the rules and terms prescribed in the contract;
- know and comply with the laws;
- is respectful of other people's views;
- keep emotions under control.
For the successful implementation of your own projects, you must have skills in procurement and sales, marketing, accounting, taxation, commodity science. A specialist who decides to succeed in this field must follow the innovations in production and commerce, advertising and management. He must quickly analyze the market situation and adjust his activities depending on the results.
In the era of market economy, the quality of commercial activity depends on the ability of merchants to actively search for customers, find goods from suppliers on favorable terms. At the same time, customer demand is taken into account without fail. It is important to sell quickly, using progressive sales methods, persuasive advertising.
Sometimes you have to take justifiable risks to achieve great results. This must be done skillfully without recklessness, but after applying strict calculation. The ability to take risks is associated with the ability to anticipate and calculate possible options.
How to become a merchant?
Many economists and psychologists create books that tell you how to start making money. The work of Frank Bettger "Yesterday is a loser - today is a successful businessman" is popular today. According to the author, the profession includes everyone who is engaged in the sale or offer of goods and services for a fee. Frank Bettger says there are several basic rules to get you up to speed in trading industries:
- Act energetically. Every time intention turns into action, income increases.
- Talk to people, make appointments, negotiate. Without this, there will be no progress.
- Overcome your fears, set goals, be confident and courageous.
- Take public speaking courses.
- Use a creative approach to achieving your goals.
- Remember, the success of a deal is your confidence in what the client wants.
The author of the book says: before proposing to a potential client or partner, you need to determine exactly what he wants. Point out to the person what he needs. Be sure to get ready before each meeting, keep a notebook in which you enter all your work information and your thoughts. It is believed that you need to sell the conversation, not the deal. The first is the most important step in getting started.
Getting an education
To obtain a profession, school graduates usually choose departments:
- management;
- economy;
- trading business;
- commodity science.
All of these specializations allow you to acquire the necessary skills in order to successfully organize your business. Most of the graduates receive a degree in Commerce. At the same time, universities provide an opportunity to become a bachelor or specialist.
In Russia, you can become a businessman with a diploma:
- At the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation;
- Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
- Russian State University of Trade and Economics.
In most cases, for training in a specialty, exams are passed or the USE scores are taken into account in: social studies, Russian language, foreign language, mathematics.
In some cases, secondary specialized education is sufficient, but more often people who decide to devote their lives to this profession go on to study further. Novice professionals are encouraged to start their careers as a specialist assistant or merchant in a small company. This will allow you to quickly acquire the necessary skills, learn how to solve work and emergency situations. Most successful entrepreneurs started out in smaller jobs.
When applying for a job after graduation, be prepared to be hired as a sales manager with a growth perspective. It is quite easy to get promoted if you show good results and commitment to development. Over time, you can grow to a director or president of a company.
Thus, the activities of a successful merchant should be based on three components: social orientation towards the specialty, the availability of skills, and professionalism. The profession involves constant self-improvement and increasing the level of knowledge. A merchant needs to be able to trade well, so start the work with yourself: sell various objects that catch your eye in front of the mirror. Convince friends and acquaintances of your point of view, but do it subtly. Think about your strengths, this will help to give an accurate answer to the question at the interview: "Why should we choose you?"