What Is A Tender And How To Become A Participant In

What Is A Tender And How To Become A Participant In
What Is A Tender And How To Become A Participant In

Who can be a participant in the tender and how to become a participant in public procurement in 2019. New procedure for registration of bidders in the public procurement system

What is a tender and how to become a participant in 2019
What is a tender and how to become a participant in 2019

From English. tender is an application for a contract, an amount, an offer. In Russian, the word tender is understood both as bidding and how. Winning a tender means getting this offer at the auction, getting a job or an order.

In a broader sense, a tender is a tool for selecting the best counterparty from all those applying to fulfill the obligations of the customer. To win a tender, you need to enter the auction, become a participant, then select a suitable order and try to conclude a deal. To do this, you must fulfill all the conditions of the customer at the stage of selection of applicants. For most orders, only the offered price is the criterion for selecting the winner. But first, what you need to know to become a bidder.

Who can become a bidder

Today, any organization, individual entrepreneur or individual can be bidders. On the public procurement website, an exception is made only to offshore companies (registered in other countries, but operating in Russia).

You can find tenders both on commercial websites and in the system of state orders, where the conditions of the tender are submitted by the institution to one of the nine official electronic platforms of the unified information system of public procurement.

How to become a participant in public procurement auctions

In 2019, in order to participate in the tender, one must obtain accreditation (permission) at the official site where it is posted. Within one hour from the moment a public institution places a tender, site operators provide access to its terms on the public procurement website. No fee is charged for providing access to the terms of the tender.

Anyone can go to the site zakupki.gov.ru and without registration see the orders placed by budgetary organizations for goods, services or works. Thus, it is possible to choose on which particular trading Internet platform of the public procurement system to register a participant in advance. The customer has the right to place his order for any of them.

It is recommended to conduct accreditation on several selected official sites in advance so as not to miss the required tender. There is no fee for registration as a participant, but you need to provide a number of documents, sealed with an electronic digital signature, wait until the operator approves the application.

Procedure for registration of a participant in a public procurement tender

In addition, from the beginning of 2019, in order to become a bidder, one must be registered in the public procurement system by submitting the required data to the website of one of nine operators for inclusion in the Unified Register of Procurement Participants. You can view the participants already included in the register in the public domain on the public procurement website - in the "Organizations" tab.

From the new rules for registration of participants, introduced on December 30, 2018 by the Government of the Russian Federation, in particular, it follows:

  • Operators of official sites provide authentication (authentication) and identification of participants in a single procurement system.
  • The Federal Treasury carries out registration of participants through the interaction of the "Unified System for Identification and Authentication of Information Systems", operators of official sites and a public procurement website.
  • The necessary information for registration is generated programmatically from unified state registers - individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, as well as from the register of small and medium-sized businesses.

Information in the Unified Register of Participants is provided with a format-logical automatic check and the necessary control of the availability of all required documents and details. It will remain in the registry for 10 years, as required by the archiving rules.
