Productive and activity is the key to success. If a person achieves the set goals, then he is doomed to become a winner in life. At the same time, he does not need to work a lot, he needs to work efficiently. You can be effective in work, in sports, in love relationships, in raising children, and even in recreation. What are the terms of efficiency?

Efficiency can be expressed by the following formula:
Efficiency = Result / Cost (Time + Resources).
For example, out of two people solving problems in physics, the one who does it faster and without a calculator is more efficient.
This takes into account not only material resources - money and useful objects, but also intangible resources - emotions, energy, knowledge, experience.
For the activity to be effective, you need to remember the following elements:
1. The result, formulated as a goal. That is what needs to be done.
2. Term - the time during which this result must be achieved.
3. The author - who exactly should do it.
4. Method - the way exactly the thing should be done.
5. Meaning. Why do this at all. Here it is appropriate to answer two questions: what happens if the result is not achieved, and what opportunities open up when the result is achieved.
Such qualities as purposefulness, belief in your own capabilities and the ability to concentrate your efforts in one direction will help you to effectively achieve your goals.
One of the most serious obstacles in your path will be self-doubt - will I be able to achieve a result in such a short time? Remember the saying: the eyes are afraid, but the hands do - and conduct the following experiment.
Imagine how many times you bounce on one leg in 1 minute. Now timed the minute on the stopwatch, jump and count. Compare the actual result with the anticipated one. Now you know why many people do not dare to start doing something?