When opening a new company, including a computer one, you need to come up with a sonorous memorable name for the organization. This is one of the stages of company registration. The name of the company should carry a certain semantic load, at the same time, combine originality and ease of pronunciation.

It is necessary
- - translator;
- - forms of questionnaires.
Step 1
The correct name of the organization is the key to business success. Conduct marketing research on the computer hardware market. Analyze what was emphasized when assigning a name to the company.
Step 2
Some entrepreneurs call businesses the names of loved ones, but this is undesirable. After all, for example, an organization called "Elena" does not carry the essence that you have to convey to the consumer. When creating a name for computer technology and electronics, you can use the name of a well-known figure who made a certain contribution to the development of computers. Keep in mind that using this method of name-by-name selection should be effective, so you should not call your company a name that does not appear anywhere.
Step 3
There are many such businessmen who are engaged in abbreviating words, thereby convey to the buyer the essence of the company's activities. For example, the name "Kompmarket" is easy to perceive, but at the same time it is immediately clear that this company sells computers. Just do not abuse it in this way, you should not use several abbreviated words in the title. After all, the name should be not only sonorous, but also easy to read.
Step 4
The surest way is to conduct a consumer survey. Taking into account their wishes, you can choose the most suitable name. Some of the buyers may come up with a very original idea that will help you stay on the market in the future.
Step 5
Some businesses come up with names in a foreign language. At the same time, be careful, because a sonorous name may mean a not entirely acceptable interpretation. So take a translator and review the meanings of the words you would like to apply to the title. It is this method, as a rule, is applied to the choice of the name of a computer company. The main thing is that the meaning is not lost, then your chances of staying in the market will increase.