To find out how to attract a lot of money, first stop complaining about fate. Understand - everything that happens in your life happens only through your fault or thanks to you. Take responsibility for yourself and see how your well-being begins to improve.

Step 1
Clear space in your home for cash flow. Throw out all the old junk, give away old books, clothes that you have not used for many years. Having done this, you will have a need and an opportunity to buy new things. At work, keep your desk tidy - it should contain only the essentials. If you feel insecure in your workplace, hang a picture of a mountain landscape behind you above the table - this will strengthen your position.
Step 2
Now, get rid of harmful financial attitudes and beliefs. They give rise to certain thoughts, and those lead to unwanted actions. For example, the setting “Money is evil”. Replace it with this: "In the right hands, money does good and miracles." It is important that your beliefs about money are positive and uplifting.
Step 3
Asking the question - how to attract big money, you will find the answer in your needs and desires. The next step is to be in control of your thoughts and boldly set financial goals for yourself. To do this, find out what you really want for yourself. Imagine one day from your secured future. What and who is around you? What house do you live in? What do you do?
Step 4
Now you have something to strive for. To fulfill your desires, set a goal for yourself - in 10 years I will have this and that. And in such and such a year I will achieve this and that. In order to achieve your goal, think - what can I do to achieve it in the next year, month, week? Think about how to make money. Do what you can and will bring you closer to your goal today. For example, find yourself a part-time job, sell a thing that you haven't used for a long time, get a better job, send a resume.
Step 5
Do not pass by beautiful things, houses, cars, but be surprised and admired. Try them on yourself. To attract more money to yourself, use the power of feng shui. The southeast side of the house is usually responsible for welfare. Put there a symbol associated with money. For example, a money tree, an artificial waterfall, an aquarium. Get yourself a solid wallet that will be convenient for money. Keep more money there, for example 5,000 or 10,000. Get rid of the fear that you will lose it - fear prevents you from attracting money.
Step 6
Learn to count money. This is very important, as you will know exactly how much money came to you and from what sources. And also - how much and where the money went. You will see that when you keep track of your income and expenses every day, the amount of money going to "nowhere" will definitely decrease. But you will see where you can save. The money will still remain.
Step 7
Save this money "for a happy future." Not for a rainy day. They can also come in handy for unforeseen expenses - illness, travel, urgent repairs. That is, you should always have a certain amount of money so that you can quickly take it.
Step 8
When you have this amount, you can think about passive income, that is, depositing with a bank at high interest rates. Just don't forget about the adage “Don't put your eggs in one basket”. Better to make several deposits in different banks. And be sure to get rid of consumer loans and auto loans - this is the burden that pulls you down. It's another matter if you took out a loan to expand your business.
Follow our recommendations, and then money will love you.