With the help of inspections, any activity is controlled. All checks can be divided into internal and external. Internal audits include audits carried out by the enterprise for the purposes of internal control (revisions, audits). External - tax audits and external audit. They also differ in the degree of business impact.

Step 1
Checks can be systematic, for example, production control of SES at food industry enterprises, without which the continuation of work is impossible. As well as a planned nature, for example, inspections by Rospotrebnadzor once every 3 years, which do not directly affect the work, but if they fail, they threaten with various sanctions, up to a ban on the continuation of activities. Therefore, each test should be taken seriously, even if at first glance it seems insignificant and unimportant.
Step 2
To prepare for the audit, study the regulatory documents related to your type of activity (GOST, TU, internal regulations and other documents). Of course, you should have studied them much earlier, and before checking their content, you should refresh your memory and check whether your activities comply with all the requirements that they provide.
Step 3
Prepare in advance all the necessary documents that will be reviewed by the employees of the inspection authorities. They differ depending on the type of check: these can be both documents directly related to the specifics of the activity (temperature log in the refrigerator, marriage log and others), and standard documents common to all industries (balance sheets, cashier reports).
Step 4
During the check, you can behave in different ways. But it is better to cooperate with the reviewers from the very beginning. This is not about currying favor, but about the usual business relationship, which should be rather benevolent. Sometimes, of course, you may be faced with cases where the reviewers have an offense plan that must be followed. But in this case, by going to a meeting with them, you can reduce the final sanctions and, possibly, get the support of the inspectors in solving other business issues.