Post Bank is a young and promising banking organization with state participation. This bank was one of the first in Russia to start using face recognition technologies.

In December last year, President of Post Bank Dmitry Rudenko became a minority shareholder by purchasing two shares from VTB. The amount of the deal was not disclosed. Previously, VTB Group owned 50% plus one share in Post Bank. Currently, both financial institutions have 49.99 percent of the shares. Thus, the Russian Post and the state bank own the bank on a parity basis. The head of the postal bank owns 0, 000024 percent of the shares, which gives him the right to vote on his own and provides an opportunity to make decisions in case of disagreement between the majority shareholders.
Creation of a new postal bank
On March 25, 2016, FAS Russia approved the creation of a new credit institution, allowing Post Finance LLC (a subsidiary of FSUE Russian Post) to buy 50% minus one share from Leto Bank, which was a subsidiary of VTB24 that existed until January 2018, and later joined the VTB Group. On January 28, 2016 VTB24 and FSUE Russian Post signed documents on the establishment of a bank with state participation.
In turn, FSUE Russian Post was created by the Ministry of Communications and Informatization on the basis of the postal department in 2002. At the end of 2013, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation developed a project for the strategic development of Russian Post for a period of ten years. During this period, the company should become one of the largest postal operators in terms of profitability, including the banking sector.
Currently, the established credit organization is successfully developing, offering a wide range of banking services for individuals and small businesses. The bank's client centers are located directly in the post offices, which greatly facilitates the citizens to receive banking services: opening a deposit, making a transfer, pension and salary services, as well as obtaining a loan. In addition, Internet banking and mobile banking are available to citizens. For pensioners, there are special conditions for opening a deposit and obtaining a loan. At the end of 2017, branches of Post Bank were located in more than 80 constituent entities of the country, and the client bank exceeded five million people.
Latest news
In the summer of this year, the postal bank sold several innovative products at once.
- The first mobile application for children has been launched. With the help of a virtual card, children will be able to make purchases on the Internet under remote parental control. Using the Post Bank Online application, parents will be able to replenish the balance of a children's virtual card, set a limit on card transactions, and also control all transactions made by a teenager.
- Another innovation was the release of the "Gamer's Card" with a vertical format.
- By the end of this year, Post Bank plans to launch a pilot project to provide its clients with mortgage products from VTB. Discussions on technical issues are currently underway with the state-owned VTB Bank. At the same time, according to Dmitry Rudenko, Post Bank plans do not include the launch of its own mortgage products. The Bank will act as a distributor of mortgage products already available in the banking market.
According to the website, in the financial rating for Russia PJSC "Post Bank" is ranked 30th and 23rd in the regional rating of banks in Moscow and the region.