Very often motorists, violating traffic rules, receive receipts for the imposition of an administrative penalty in the form of a fine. In this case, receipts, paid or not, may well get lost.

Step 1
Of course, it is possible to restore the receipt of payment of the fine, however, the experience of most citizens who find themselves in such a situation suggests that sometimes you need to try very hard for this. If you have already paid the fine, contact Sberbank. Despite the fact that bank employees have no legal reason to refuse to provide a duplicate of a payment document, it is most likely that they will not be able to get what they want the first time. In the best case, you will be promised to call back and report the search result. Therefore, write a statement in which you state the essence of the request. Register it with the bank and wait for a response.
Step 2
To facilitate the work of Sberbank employees in search of your receipt, try to remember the date of the payment of the fine at the bank. If the exact date cannot be determined, it is worth, at least, to name the time period in which the payment could have been made, or at worst - the date of imposition of the fine.
Step 3
If it was not possible to manually find the receipt in the Sberbank branch, but the date of payment has been precisely established, you should re-write the application to the bank and ask for a new receipt. In this case, attach a copy of the resolution or protocol, indicate the date and time of the payment. Please note that all applications are drawn up in two copies: you send one to the bank, and the second remains with you.
Step 4
It is not worth worrying about the consequences if the fine is paid, but the payment has not passed. If the case goes to court, just show a copy of the application written to the bank.
Step 5
If you have lost an unpaid receipt, contact the traffic police at the place where the offense was committed. In the application, indicate where, when and by whom the administrative record of the violation was drawn up. Based on this information, employees should issue a new invoice for you. However, you can also pay the fine by making electronic payments - payment documents are not needed there, but be sure to save the receipt if you used the terminal, or print a notification if you made an online transfer.