Before you start running any business, even one that has a clear and proven business plan, you need to remember that this is a huge responsibility. Only by accepting it, you will come closer to the concept and state of financial independence. For whatever independence is always, there is a lot of work. If you realize this, it's time to familiarize yourself with the analysis of the design, the requirements put forward to the buyer and the experience of people who earn on a coffee-to-go franchise.

This format turned out to be appropriate and cost-effective not only for placement in shopping and business centers, but also in educational institutions, hotels, car dealerships. The main difference from the usual coffee shops selling coffee to go is the lack of seasonality and low rental fees.
In a business center, 90% of buyers are people who go there every day - they work there. In the shopping center - exactly the opposite. There is a stream of random people here, most of whom will not appear there so soon. The main stream of buyers consists of young people, people of the business environment, young families, and visitors to car dealerships. In the shopping center, they often take just coffee, and in the business center, baked goods are well sold along with coffee.
Conditions under which a startup is deployed
The main emphasis, when selling coffee, is directed at those who are ready to pay for quality, and therefore the main issue, even before the conclusion of the contract, should be the choice of location. If you decide to purchase and promote a brand in your city, if you have any questions or difficulties, you can directly contact the creators of the franchise. In addition, having launched a business, you can exchange experience with franchisees from all over Russia. Here's what the owners of a ready-made business offer you when buying:
- a complete info package containing all the information necessary to open a turnkey coffee shop;
- assistance in obtaining the necessary equipment, consumables, thereby reducing costs;
- assistance in finding the best suppliers.
We work with all major suppliers of coffee, coffee machines and commercial equipment in the segment. - Convenient platforms for communication between franchisees on social networks. The concept of the franchise in the occupied area. For installation and operation, you do not need 100 sq. meters, as for standard coffee shops, 4 sq. meters.
Stages of organizing a coffee-to-go business
1. Choosing a suitable place.
2. Coordination with the owners of the franchise, after providing information about the premises and site. More precisely, in which city it is located, what is the traffic per day, how many floors, are there permanent tenants, where will it be located (photo), rent. You do not need to specify the address.
3. Calculate the approximate conversion.
4. After that, you will be sent documents for the conclusion of the contract: at the location of the coffee house, for its opening, the supply of goods and consumables, after reading, you sign.
5. You select personnel, the company is engaged in training, if necessary.
In the business of mini-coffee shops, advertising is not required, except for the one that will be on the counter and directly on the spot. A person is not interested in a targeted search for coffee, so the coffee shop should be located in a place with the highest traffic of potential buyers.