If you decide to open your own store, you have to carefully think over all the nuances so that you do not later regret your decision. You will act wisely if you are not in a hurry and try to settle all the important issues of creating a trading business in advance. This will reduce the risk of unaccounted for problems, and opening a store will be a joyful event for you, not a headache.

Step 1
Find out if the product you intend to trade is in demand. How much competition is there in your chosen field. You want to open a large or small store. How high is the cost of the leased square meters in the area where you want to open a store (or do you decide to build a separate building?). What will be the range of planned products? Consider the form of organizing the trade, whether it will be self-service or over-the-counter sales. Who are your potential customers? How solvent are you? The answers to these and many other questions you must decide first of all. You may need to do some market research - be prepared for it.
Step 2
Consider several options for the location of the store. Are you ready to pay a substantial amount for rent, provided that your store is located in the center or in another crowded and, therefore, advantageous place? Or would you like a more modest option? In any case, at this stage you must decide where your store should be. When examining the premises, do not forget to pay attention to external and internal communications, i.e. condition of water, electricity and heat supply systems, ventilation, telephone and Internet lines, etc. Check driveways.
Step 3
Make financial calculations. In other words, write a business plan. Consider not only actual costs, but also unforeseen costs. Experts recommend multiplying the estimated actual spending by two. Then you will definitely not be surprised at how quickly start-up capital melts even at the initial stage of your entrepreneurship. At the same stage (drawing up a business plan), think about the suppliers of the goods.
Step 4
Now you can start solving legal aspects. To do this, you need to visit the tax office. Usually there is a consultant, whose services are free. He will explain to you everything "from and to": what documents you must submit, what - to issue for you. So that the documentary registration procedure does not drag out, follow the requirements, instructions and recommendations of the tax authorities as clearly as possible. Thus, you will save yourself unnecessary checks when you start working.
Step 5
During the period of going through the initial stages of organizing and creating your own outlet, you should already think about the name of the store. If nothing comes to your mind yourself, connect your friends and relatives. Or ask for help from naming specialists, they can be found in advertising agencies and on the Internet. Consider this issue carefully. A good name is very important.
Step 6
Order commercial and technical equipment and furniture and take care of decorating your store. Expert advice - Don't skimp on a good designer. The cost of his services will pay off with interest, because the modern buyer is very picky about the interior decoration of the retail space. He wants to feel comfortable, and for this everything must be thought out to the smallest detail. Only a professional can handle this, since there are many secrets and tricks in design in terms of attracting buyers. Do not forget to invite an experienced merchandiser to take care of the distribution of the goods on the shelves.
Step 7
Take care of staff recruitment. Try to hire professionals with work experience and a good reputation. Remember that the future profit and the efficiency of your store as a whole largely depend on these people.
Step 8
Advertise your store opening in local newspapers, radio and television. Over time, you can run larger promotions and campaigns announcing discounts, bonuses, and other tricks to attract customers.