Closing a cafe, like any other private enterprise, can be voluntary and compulsory. The reasons for the voluntary closure can be the unprofitability of the business, the owner's loss of interest in the further development of this business, etc. Compulsory closure is always the result of violations in the activities of the cafe. In any case, the closure of the cafe must be carried out in accordance with the current legitimate procedure.

Step 1
There are three main ways to formalize the closure of an institution on a voluntary basis. The first of them is the closure in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to the Civil Code, before an organization is officially declared closed, a full audit of its activities must be carried out. Submit an application to the registration authority at the location of the cafe about your desire to suspend business activities. According to this statement, the institution will conduct inspections for the quality of activities, the correctness of accounting, compliance with taxation rules, compliance with the legislation governing the activities of the enterprise. Inspections are carried out with the involvement of outside observers. If violations are identified on any of the points, the owner is threatened with penalties. But the main drawback of this method of closing a business is not even in them, but in the duration of the process, which can take several months. But such a procedure is absolutely legal, and the company is officially removed from the Unified Register.
Step 2
There is also a faster way to close a business - transfer the cafe to another person by changing the management, the founding staff and the chief accountant. In this case, no checks are needed, the procedure is simple and takes only a few days.
Step 3
You can also close the cafe by reorganizing it, that is, through a merger with another company or takeover. This method is also legitimate, the company will be removed from the Unified Register and will cease to exist absolutely officially. The duration of the procedure is about 2 months, during which the cafe must continue to function in its previous status.
Step 4
Forced closure is carried out on the basis of a court decision and is regulated by bailiffs, for reasons of non-compliance with registration rules, violation of legislation, failure to provide financial statements, and the presence of significant debt to the state.