How To Cash A Check In Belarus

How To Cash A Check In Belarus
How To Cash A Check In Belarus

Table of contents:


A commercial check is a document of the established form, which contains the order of the drawer to the bank to transfer a specific amount of money from his account in favor of the specified check holder. You received a check, for example from Google (Google Adsense). But what to do now? How to cash it out and get all your money? Now we will look at how the entire cashing procedure takes place in Belarus. We will use the services of JSC "JSSB BelarusBank", which branches are located in almost all cities.

How to cash a check in Belarus
How to cash a check in Belarus

It is necessary

  • - original receipt;
  • - passport.


Step 1

You need to contact JSC "ASB BelarusBank" with the original check and passport. Branches of BelarusBank are located in almost all cities of Belarus, if you do not know where to contact you, use the search for branches on the bank's website marked "Service: accepting commercial checks for collection".


Step 2

The bank takes the check from you and hands it over to the bank that issued it. This procedure is mandatory, called collection. You will not receive money immediately. The check is checked and delayed for a long time. We'll have to wait for the banks to contact each other and, if everything is in order with the check, they will transfer the money.

How to cash a check in Belarus
How to cash a check in Belarus

Step 3

After a certain period of time, a bank manager will contact you (if a lot of time has passed, contact the bank yourself), and you will be able to receive money in US dollars or euros at the place of delivery of the check, usually the procedure takes no more than 1-2 months from the date of receipt of the check for collection.
