Selling premium watches as a business will only suit the most patient entrepreneurs. The return on investment of a Swiss watch store, even with a successful marketing strategy, is not the fastest. In addition, the manufacturers of "status" watches and their official distributors in Russia make rather high demands on each retail point of sale.

It is necessary
- - a cooperation agreement with one of the Russian distributors of watch manufacturers;
- - premises on the ground floor in the central part of the city;
- - shop equipment made according to the supplier's sketches;
- - the first collection of watches for sale;
- - sales staff of the store (2-5 people).
Step 1
Contact the representatives of one of the companies distributing Swiss watches in Russia and make them a business proposal. There are chances for success if in your city (region) the market for luxury watches is still far from saturation, but there is effective demand. It is also important that there are no other watch stores at all near the place where you plan to equip the outlet - distributors pay great attention to this.
Step 2
Rent a room in the city center on the ground floor of a building if you have already received prior approval from suppliers. Almost all Swiss watch shops are located in the central districts of the cities - this is a mandatory requirement of Moscow distributors. Therefore, you should definitely not try to save on rent by finding a cheaper premises on the outskirts.
Step 3
Consider all the recommendations of the authorized representatives with whom you will work, and order equipment for the sales area. This point is also strictly regulated by the distributor. Commercial equipment should be made to order, possibly according to those ready-made sketches that you will receive from suppliers.
Step 4
Buy a batch (or "collection") of Swiss watches to start trading in your store. As you know, the sale of piece goods aimed at an elite buyer requires the entrepreneur to be fully aware of the product. Therefore, before starting to form the assortment range of your watch store, study all the available information on this category of goods.
Step 5
Find two to five replacement sales assistants to work on your store's sales floor. Personnel training before starting work is also a separate item in the list of requirements of official distributors. But although this will become an additional item of your expenses, the suppliers themselves will take over the organization of this training.