Opening a trade booth, kiosk or stall is a type of small business that does not require special initial investments. And at the same time, selling what is in daily demand is undoubtedly a profitable business. For these reasons, it is attractive to entrepreneurs in different countries, including Ukraine, where its organization has its own nuances.

Step 1
Make a business plan. Typically, the business plan is presented to the investor. But even when opening a small business and relying on the available capital, it is necessary to highlight the purpose and structure of the upcoming enterprise, compare them with the funds that need to be invested, the expected income and the expected payback period.
Step 2
Complete the state registration of your entrepreneurial activity. There are several options here - LLC (limited liability company), individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), SPD (business entity), private enterprise (private enterprise) - each of which has its own characteristics. So, for the registration of an LLC, an authorized capital of 100 minimum wages is required, an SPD can be registered only at the place of registration, and a state of emergency - at the location of the enterprise. At the same time, the form of state of emergency is convenient in that it is subject to taxation according to the “single tax” system, not exceeding UAH 200. per month. At the same stage, you register with a pension fund, tax and trade inspections and open a bank account.
Step 3
Select the location of the stall. The point of sale is dictated by the specifics of your business: the best location of a point that sells FMCG is a place that has a large daily traffic. These are busy streets, bus stops, densely populated areas of the city. For the found trading place, you must draw up a lease agreement - if it is a lease, or the right to property - if you buy out a building.
Step 4
After registration of documents for the land and the structure, you must obtain a permit for trading activities (trade license), which is issued by local authorities, and the conclusion of firefighters and SES.
Step 5
Decide on the assortment and place of purchase of goods, visit several wholesalers and compare the offered products and prices. At the same time, remember that in Ukraine for the sale of certain goods, such as tobacco and alcohol, you need to take a separate permit from the Licensing Chamber.
Step 6
At the final stage, before opening your outlet, you have to search for workers - a driver, loaders and sellers.