Business Ideas With Minimal Investment

Business Ideas With Minimal Investment
Business Ideas With Minimal Investment

There is a misconception that starting a business requires a rather large amount of money. However, there are many types of profitable businesses that do not require large investments and pay off quickly enough.

Business ideas with minimal investment
Business ideas with minimal investment

Tea business

The tea business is just gaining momentum. Competition in most cities is either nil or insignificant. To get started, you will need no more than 50,000 rubles.

Thanks to the rap culture, various quality Chinese teas have become very popular. However, great demand does not correspond to a large supply. Which is very strange considering the high profitability. So, one tablet of pu-erh in China costs about 40 rubles (in terms of Russian money), the minimum price in stores is 250. It turns out that the markup is 6 times and these are only the minimum indicators.

In addition, a small area is needed to trade tea, or you can do without it altogether. Create a website on the Internet or a group on social networks, sell products online, and also work with pre-orders. Thus, you can get a fairly profitable business that does not require serious cash injections.

Fast dates

This business is very common in Europe, but for some reason it did not reach Russia. The bottom line is organizing quick dates. An equal number of men and women of the same age category are invited to the hall of a cafe or restaurant (for example, 25-35 years for women and 30-40 years for men). Ten tables are placed in a circle, at which women sit.

The men take turns sitting at each table and talking to the lady. There are exactly three minutes to establish contact and understand how much you liked this person. After a specified time, the bell signal sounds, and the table must be changed. This happens until every man meets every woman.

At the end, the participants are given a questionnaire in which they need to fill out their sympathies. If two people indicated that they like each other, they continue the date at the same restaurant, the rest try their luck next time.

On average, translated into domestic money, the organizers charge 1000-1500 rubles per person per person per evening. Investments are practically zero: rent of premises and search for participants. You can have multiple quick dates in one day.

Mediation in repair services

This scheme can be applied in other areas, but the example will be considered in the repair. Contact several plumbers, gas workers, electricians (even better if they are your acquaintances) and offer them cooperation. You give them orders, they give you a percentage of the profit (agree on your own).

Then you need to advertise in newspapers, on message boards, on the Internet, etc. Your goal is to attract as many potential customers as possible. Then you negotiate the price, conditions and necessary wishes. You transfer the order to the employee and get a profit.

Of course, there are many pitfalls here. So, for example, it is you who will have to monitor the condition of your employees (so that, for example, they do not come drunk to order), as well as deal with all the problems. However, for starting a business, this is a great option that does not require significant investments.
