The cash balance limit is the allowed amount of cash at the end of the working day to be stored in the cash register. During the day, the amount of storage is not limited. At the end of the day, the entire amount over the limit must be deposited with the bank to the company's current account. But there are some exceptions. The organization can exceed the cash limit at the cash desk, but not more than three days.

It is necessary
- Form for calculating the cash balance limit according to form No. 0408020 in duplicate
- Calculator
Step 1
The cash balance limit should be set annually. The accountant of the organization fills out a form that can be obtained from the servicing bank at the end of the year. If the organization has several current accounts in different banks, then you need to contact one of them of your choice.
Step 2
To calculate the limit, you need to take the amount of cash receipts for the last 3 months and calculate the average daily revenue by dividing the total amount of revenue by the number of working days for which it was received. To determine the average hourly revenue, divide the resulting amount by the number of hours worked in one day.
Step 3
Next, you need to calculate the costs for 3 months. Expenses do not need to include benefits, salaries and scholarships. Determine your average daily spending.
Step 4
Based on the data received, determine what cash balance should be for the normal operation of the enterprise. It is better to put down a higher figure than you expect, and the bank will decide whether to endorse this amount or reduce it. If your business is located in a remote place and is rarely collected, it is possible to increase the amount of the limit.
Step 5
In the calculation of the limit, indicate the purposes for which you may need cash. As a rule, these are expenses for salaries, household goods, stationery and other household expenses.
Step 6
It is necessary to fill out the form in two copies, they must be signed by the director and the chief accountant, and the organization's seal must be affixed.