How To Fill Out A Shortage Of Inventory

How To Fill Out A Shortage Of Inventory
How To Fill Out A Shortage Of Inventory

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In the course of accounting, an accountant may discover a shortage of inventory items, which arose as a result of damage, theft or natural loss. In this case, an inventory is organized at the enterprise, which is designed to reveal the validity of the amount owed for shortages and to determine the guilty person.

How to fill out a shortage of inventory
How to fill out a shortage of inventory


Step 1

Approve the order to conduct an inventory, if the fact of shortage was found. Indicate in this document the date of the event, the composition of the commission and the property that is subject to verification. Provide the commission with all incoming and outgoing documents for this case. Determine the balances of values according to the accounting data. Collect receipts from responsible persons.

Step 2

Determine the actual availability of property, draw up an inventory list and collation sheet, which will reveal the amount of the shortfall. If it refers to cash, then it is also necessary to perform an audit of the cash desk and draw up an appropriate act. The balance of cash is checked against the data of the cash book of the enterprise.

Step 3

Reflect the amount of deficiencies identified during the inventory and audit on the debit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables." At the same time, in correspondence with this account there is an account that characterizes the values for which this fact was discovered. So account 50 "Cashier", account 10 "Materials", account 01 "Fixed assets", account 41 "Goods" and so on can be used.

Step 4

Draw up an act of shortage that occurred due to misgrading, natural loss or technical losses. Based on these documents, the amount of the shortfall must be reflected on the credit of account 94 in correspondence with account 20 "Main production", account 44 "Sales expenses" and so on. At the same time, for tax purposes, these costs relate to the material costs of the enterprise.

Step 5

Request a written explanation from the employee if the shortage was due to theft. If the employee refuses to provide explanations, then an appropriate act is drawn up. The amount of damage is determined by the actual loss based on market prices. In this case, the accounting for the amount of the shortfall is charged to the debit of account 73 “Calculations for compensation for material damage”. After that, the difference between the amount recovered and the book value of the missing value is reflected on the credit of account 98 "Deferred income".
