What Is Monthly Total Income

What Is Monthly Total Income
What Is Monthly Total Income

In some cases, an objective assessment of the financial condition and solvency of not an individual person, but his entire family, in which he lives, is required. This may be required, for example, to obtain a loan or various kinds of subsidies, including for the payment of housing and communal services. In these cases, the family's monthly gross income is used as such a criterion.

What is monthly total income
What is monthly total income

What makes up total income

When it comes to the total monthly income of a family, it is the sum of the monthly total income of all its members who have reached the age of majority. The average value of this income per family member is an objective criterion for judging the well-being of this family. In some issues related to monetary obligations, for example, obtaining and paying off a loan, the family is considered as a whole.

To obtain a mortgage loan from a bank, it is required that the amount of the monthly payment does not exceed 35% of the total family income.

In determining the total income, each of its members must take into account all the cash receipts received by him. The total amount should include:

- salary, taking into account the monthly allowances, additional payments, cash bonuses and remunerations, and even material assistance, from the amount of which even personal income tax is usually not paid;

- all benefits received per month - day off, for a child, for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, for the period of parental leave and unemployment;

- received alimony, scholarships, pensions, salaries of military personnel, monthly insurance payments;

- income from any type of commercial activity;

- amounts paid monthly to citizens within the framework of social support for paying for housing and communal services and apartments;

- amounts received in the form of interest on deposits in banks;

- income from the lease of property, as well as from the sale of real estate and other property: securities, cars, etc.;

- payments from regional and local budgets;

- income from copyright and work contracts;

- sums of money that were received as a gift or by inheritance.

The monthly gross annual income is calculated taking into account the coefficients and allowances that are paid by law for work in areas with severe climatic conditions.

What amounts will not be included in total income

In total income, you may not include the funds that you received from the sale of the home that you own, if these funds were spent on renovating the home where you live, building or buying a new one. In the event that you received subsidies or allowances from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Dilapidated Housing program, you may also not include them in total income.
