On May 5, 2015, in all branches of the Pension Fund, a one-time payment of 20 thousand rubles from maternity capital began. These funds are transferred to the bank card after submitting a certain list of documents and an application.

Step 1
The main document proving your identity. An employee of the Pension Fund checks you against the photo in your passport and looks at the registration of your place of residence. In an application for receiving 20 thousand from maternity capital, you indicate your passport data: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, number, series, by whom and when issued, unit code, place of residence by registration and place of actual residence.
Step 2
Birth certificate of children.
This is a document that indicates the surname, name and patronymic of the child, date of birth, parents, place of state registration. The following data is recorded on the application: a series of birth certificates of each child and the data of the certificate. If you receive a lump sum of 20 thousand after the birth of your second child, then you must provide 2 birth certificates of children.
Step 3
Certificate from the bank branch.
On a special letterhead of a bank branch or a sheet of A4 format, the details of the bank branch, bank identification code, individual tax number, correspondent account, bank account and card number are indicated. At the bottom of the form, the seal and signature of the bank employee with a decryption of his signature is put. A specific sample of a bank certificate can be obtained from the Pension Fund branch, which is located at your place of residence.
Step 4
Maternal certificate.
A document that has been issued since 2007 at the birth (adoption) of a second child or subsequent children, if an application for a maternal certificate has not yet been drawn up.
Step 5
SNILS - insurance number of an individual personal account - information contained in the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.
Step 6
Application for receiving 20 thousand from maternity capital.
On a special form, an application form is filled out, which indicates the data of all submitted documents, as well as your home and cell phone. Upon acceptance of the application, the employee of the Pension Fund will give you a receipt-notification of registration of your application and receipt of documents.