Credit cards are a good alternative to consumer loans, as the limit on them is renewed after the debt is repaid. They are very popular among Russians. To issue a credit card, you need to prepare the requested package of documents. Their list varies depending on the bank.

It is necessary
- - documents confirming income;
- - identity documents;
- - documents confirming residence / registration in the region where the card was received;
- - documents confirming work experience;
- - additional documents.
Step 1
Borrowers' requirements for obtaining a credit card become more loyal over time. To receive a credit card, the borrower must meet a number of requirements - to have Russian citizenship and be at least 22 years old. Today it is possible to obtain a credit card with only two documents - a passport and an additional document. The borrower is given the choice of which second document to provide. It can be SNILS, TIN, pension certificate, driver's license.
Step 2
Almost all banks have requirements for the borrower's registration in the region where the loan is received. Moreover, he must live in it for at least six months.
Step 3
In any case, the borrower will need to fill out a loan application form. This can be done at a bank branch, or you can do it through an online application on the bank's website. The questionnaire contains a number of questions about the borrower, which must be answered honestly. You should not hide the availability of other loans, the bank will still find out this information, and confidence in you will decrease.
Step 4
There are two major categories of credit cards - those that require proof of income and those that do not. Two key parameters of a credit card depend on the availability of documents that confirm the borrower's income - the size of the credit limit and the value of the interest rate. It is impossible to get a credit card with a high limit without proof of income.
Step 5
Banks that do not require proof of income often request documents that indirectly confirm the borrower's solvency. This, for example, PTS, a passport with a note about a trip abroad for the last 6 months, an account statement for the last six months. But those banks that are ready to provide a credit card exclusively with a passport are extremely rare.
Step 6
To approve large credit limits, the borrower may be required to have a copy of the work book, as well as a certificate of the presence of a term deposit in the bank. The size of such a deposit must exceed the monthly credit limit several times. And the minimum requirements for seniority at the last job is 3 months.
Step 7
A 2-NDFL certificate, as well as certificates in the form of a bank or from the financial department for military personnel, can act as documents confirming income. Banks often refuse to issue a card to entrepreneurs. Some require the provision of 3-NDFL, a copy of a certified declaration and an extract from the current account. In this case, the entrepreneur must be on the OSNO or STS with the object of income and expenses. In this case, he can document not only his own income, but also expenses. But individual entrepreneurs on UTII or STS-income have to turn their attention to loan offers that do not require confirmation of income.
Step 8
Sometimes borrowers do not need to prepare additional documents, but only a passport is enough. This opportunity is available to holders of salary and debit cards, as well as bona fide payers for mortgages, home and car loans. These categories of citizens are the most transparent for banks in terms of their monthly income and financial discipline. Therefore, they do not need to additionally confirm their income, since the bank already knows them. These credit cards are approved by way of a pre-approved offer.