Maternal capital, of course, is not able to solve all the problems of the family, but it can become significant support for you. Therefore, it is important to know how to teach it, how to properly dispose of it, and what steps you need to follow.

Step 1
So, you have already been discharged from the hospital. Now you need to make sure that the child receives a birth certificate. It is issued at the registry office. Then, in your passport, you will need to put a mark on the birth of a child. You will also need a certificate of citizenship of the child, which can be obtained from the passport office.
Step 2
In addition, for registration of maternity capital, you will need documents for the rest of the children - a birth certificate and an extract from the housing office.
Step 3
Further, you must submit all these documents to the branch of the pension fund at your place of residence. Here you will need to fill out an application form for the issuance of a certificate.
Step 4
Now calmly wait for the results of your request. If after one month and five days - within the maximum period stipulated by law, you did not receive a certified letter from the pension fund, you can safely go and find out the reasons for the delay. But in most cases, a positive answer will not be long in coming, and you will receive a certificate. This certificate must be kept for three years.
Step 5
After this period, you can conclude an agreement with a construction organization or educational institution for the provision of services. Present a certificate as payment for services. Another alternative is to write a statement to the pension fund about transferring money to the funded part of the pension.
Step 6
But in some cases, you may be denied the issuance of maternity capital funds. This can happen if you have given birth to a second child, but at the same time you have already been deprived of parental rights. Also, the reason for the refusal may be incorrect information that you provided, as well as if you have already received and used maternity capital. Another good reason why you will not be able to receive maternity capital is that your child is not a citizen of Russia.